Dr. Karan Rangarajan, also known as Dr. Karan Raj, recently shared a tip on TikTok about using a lemon to help ease motion sickness. He explained that the citrus aroma of the lemon stimulates the olfactory system in the nose, which is closely related to the limbic system that regulates nausea. Inhaling the lemon scent can help relieve nausea by increasing saliva production and emptying of the stomach, leading to fewer nausea symptoms. The strong scent of citrus also provides a sensory distraction that shifts the brain’s attention away from nausea.

Lemons have been a popular topic on TikTok, with influencer Darcy McQueeny sharing a video of herself sniffing a lemon and claiming she would never ride the train without one again. Gastroenterologist Dr. Joseph Salhab confirmed that there is some truth to the lemon nausea trick, explaining that deep breathing or inhaling an aroma can trigger a relaxation or soothing effect on the stomach. He suggests taking a slow breath through the nose, holding it for about three seconds, and then slowly exhaling through the mouth. Commenters on Salhab’s clip also recommended sniffing alcohol wipes, rubbing alcohol, an orange, or a ginger-scented lip balm as alternative remedies for nausea.

Rangarajan’s explanation of how the lemon aroma stimulates the olfactory system to relieve nausea may not work for everyone, but he notes that using ginger, peppermint oil, or any citrus fruit are low-cost and relatively risk-free interventions for nausea that do not require medication. Lemon has unique properties that make it a popular choice for nausea relief, as its scent can increase saliva flow, empty the stomach, and provide a sensory distraction that may help alleviate nausea symptoms. While this trick may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, it is a simple and accessible option for individuals looking to ease motion sickness.

The connection between the olfactory system and the limbic system plays a significant role in the effectiveness of using a lemon to relieve nausea. The limbic system is responsible for regulating emotions and behaviors, including nausea, and inhaling a lemon scent can stimulate this system to alleviate symptoms of motion sickness. By understanding how the olfactory and limbic systems work together, individuals can utilize simple remedies like sniffing a lemon to help manage feelings of nausea during road trips or other instances of motion sickness.

Overall, the use of lemons as a natural remedy for motion sickness is gaining attention due to its effectiveness and simplicity. Both Dr. Karan Rangarajan and Dr. Joseph Salhab have touched upon the benefits of using lemons or other citrus fruits to relieve nausea, highlighting their ability to stimulate the olfactory and limbic systems to provide relief. With the rise of social media platforms like TikTok, information about natural remedies such as sniffing a lemon has become readily accessible to a wide audience, allowing individuals to explore alternative methods for managing their motion sickness. Ultimately, incorporating simple solutions like lemons into daily routines can offer a practical and affordable way to address common health concerns such as nausea and motion sickness without the need for medication.

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