The lawyer of Antonio Donatelli, the former mayor of Triggiano, Bari, who is under house arrest for alleged involvement in electoral corruption, stated that his client was unaware of any crimes committed by Cataldo and De Francesco, although he knew them. Donatelli denied any wrongdoing and announced his resignation as mayor. The lawyer emphasized that there is no conclusive evidence of his client’s guilt. Donatelli’s lawyer expressed confidence that his client’s innocence will be proven.

The prosecution alleges that Donatelli’s reelection as mayor in 2021 was secured through the buying and selling of votes. Over 70 individuals are under investigation, including the former regional councillor Anita Maurodinoia and her husband Alessandro Cataldo, who is also under house arrest. Cataldo, the founder of the political movement Sud al Centro, is believed to be the leader of the criminal association involved in the vote-buying scheme. The investigations also extend to the regional elections of 2020, in which Maurodinoia was elected with the Democratic Party. Maurodinoia resigned from her position and the party after learning of the investigation.

The lawyer of Antonio Donatelli claimed that even if all the votes from the lists under investigation were purchased, Donatelli’s coalition would still have won the 2021 elections due to a significant margin of victory. Donatelli’s lawyer stressed that his client had no knowledge of any illicit activities and remains confident in proving his innocence. Donatelli admitted to knowing Cataldo and De Francesco but maintained that he was not aware of any wrongdoing. The lawyer highlighted that there is no compelling evidence of Donatelli’s involvement in any criminal activity.

Alessandro Cataldo, the founder of the political movement Sud al Centro, underwent an interrogation for his alleged role in orchestrating a vote-buying network across various local and regional elections between 2019 and 2021. The investigations extend to multiple electoral processes, including the municipal elections of Bari in 2019, Grumo Appula in 2020, and Triggiano in 2020. The vote-buying scheme is also linked to regional elections in which Maurodinoia secured a significant number of votes. Maurodinoia resigned from her political positions upon becoming aware of the ongoing investigations.

The legal proceedings have cast a shadow over the political landscape of Triggiano and surrounding areas, with multiple individuals facing allegations of electoral corruption. The investigation has revealed a complex web of illicit activities involving the exchange of votes for financial gain. The legal representatives of the accused individuals are actively working to prove their clients’ innocence and refute the charges brought against them. The outcome of the investigations will have far-reaching implications for the future of the individuals involved and the political environment in the region.

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