According to a statement from the Prosecutor’s Office, arrest warrants have been issued for 24 suspects who are believed to be involved in terrorist activities within the organization’s public structure, based on various evidence such as witness statements, payphone/sequential calling, and references and ratings made by the organization.

The Ankara Police Department’s Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Unit is carrying out operations to apprehend the suspects. The suspects are believed to be involved in terrorist activities within the organization’s public structure. The operations are ongoing to capture the suspects and bring them to justice.

The suspects are believed to have been involved in various illegal activities, including terrorist activities within the organization’s public structure. The evidence against them includes witness statements, payphone/sequential calling, and references and ratings made by the organization. The arrest warrants for the suspects were issued by the Prosecutor’s Office.

The Ankara Police Department’s Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Unit is actively working to apprehend the suspects and bring them to justice. The operations are part of efforts to combat terrorism and dismantle the organization’s public structure. The suspects are believed to be key figures within the organization and their apprehension is seen as a significant step towards dismantling the organization.

The Prosecutor’s Office has stated that the suspects are believed to have been actively involved in terrorist activities within the organization’s public structure. The evidence against them includes witness statements, payphone/sequential calling, and references and ratings made by the organization. The arrest warrants for the suspects were issued following a thorough investigation by the Terrorism Crimes Investigation Bureau.

The operations to apprehend the suspects are ongoing and the Ankara Police Department’s Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Unit is working diligently to bring the suspects to justice. The suspects are believed to be key figures within the organization and their apprehension is a significant development in the efforts to combat terrorism. The Prosecutor’s Office has emphasized the importance of dismantling the organization’s public structure and bringing those responsible to justice.

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