The incident involving Officer Joseph Harris, who was caught on video beating a handcuffed inmate in the back of his patrol car, led to his immediate termination by Jonesboro Police Chief Rick Elliott. The video showed Harris punching, elbowing, and slamming the car door on the inmate, who was wearing a hospital gown. The inmate, Billy Lee Coram, had been taken to the hospital after claiming to have ingested fentanyl and had escaped before being caught by Harris. The exact injuries sustained by Coram from the beating are unknown, but he was being held on escape charges at the Craighead County jail.

Following the incident, Elliott announced that he would be referring the case to prosecutors and was in the process of compiling paperwork to send to the prosecutor’s office. He also reached out to the FBI’s Little Rock office and planned to request that Harris be decertified as a police officer. Elliott emphasized that wrong actions should not be tolerated within the police force and stated that there was no need for further investigation as the video evidence was clear. It was also revealed that Harris had been suspended two years prior for using excessive force and is a defendant in a wrongful death lawsuit involving an inmate who died in the Craighead County jail.

The Jonesboro Police Department took swift action in response to the video, posting it on their YouTube page and announcing Harris’s immediate termination. The department has not released any further statements regarding the incident but acknowledged the seriousness of the actions captured in the video. Harris, who had been with the department for five years, did not respond to requests for comment, and no further information was provided about his current status following his termination. The department’s handling of the situation reflects a commitment to accountability and transparency in addressing misconduct within the force.

The case involving Officer Harris and the mistreatment of the handcuffed inmate has raised concerns about the conduct of law enforcement officers and their adherence to professional standards. The use of excessive force and the violation of an individual’s rights while in custody are serious offenses that warrant immediate action and consequences. The involvement of the local prosecutor and potential decertification of Harris highlight the gravity of the situation and the need for accountability within the police force. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding ethical standards and ensuring that officers uphold the law while carrying out their duties.

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