An Arizona woman, Melody Felicano Johnson, pleaded guilty to poisoning her Air Force husband by putting bleach in his coffee in July 2023. The husband, Roby Johnson, caught her in the act via hidden cameras he had set up in their home. Melody faces up to four years in prison with each charge being a class six felony, and she will be sentenced on May 10. Prosecutors are recommending she serve two years in prison. The couple, who have a child together, were going through a divorce at the time of the poisoning incidents. Melody was initially charged with attempted first-degree murder, aggravated assault, and adding harmful substances to food, drink, or medicine, but she agreed to a plea deal instead.

Roby Johnson began to notice the odd taste in his coffee in March 2023 while the family was stationed in Germany. He conducted tests and found high levels of chlorine in his coffee, leading him to suspect that his wife was trying to harm him. The couple moved back to Tucson, Arizona, in the summer, and Roby set up cameras in their temporary and permanent homes to catch Melody in the act. The cameras captured Melody pouring bleach into the coffee machine on multiple occasions, leading to her arrest. Roby pretended to drink the coffee while stationed in Germany and waited until they were back in the U.S. to report his findings to the police.

Melody Johnson’s actions were believed to be motivated by a desire to collect death benefits from her husband. The court documents show that Roby believed she was trying to kill him. Despite initially facing more serious charges, Melody pleaded guilty to two counts of poisoning food or drink, which resulted in a plea deal. She is currently being held on a $250,000 bond, and could potentially be released for time served. The couple’s marriage was already strained by a pending divorce when the poisoning incidents occurred. Melody’s sentencing is scheduled for May 10, and prosecutors are recommending a two-year prison term for her.

The incidents of poisoning were discovered when Roby Johnson noticed the strange taste in his coffee while stationed in Germany. He conducted tests and found high levels of chlorine in his coffee, leading him to suspect sabotage. He set up cameras in both their temporary and permanent homes, which captured footage of Melody pouring bleach into the coffee machine. The evidence was then presented to the police, resulting in Melody’s arrest. The couple have a child together, and their marriage was already in the process of divorce when these events took place.

Roby Johnson took matters into his own hands after his initial report to the police was not followed up due to lack of clear evidence. He set up cameras in their home to catch Melody in the act of poisoning his coffee, leading to her arrest. The couple’s toxic relationship continued even amidst allegations of poisoning, and the situation was only resolved when Roby was able to present clear evidence to the authorities. Melody was taken into custody after additional video evidence showed her pouring bleach into the coffee machine. The court proceedings will determine her sentence, with prosecutors recommending a two-year prison term.

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