The President of Argentina, Javier Gerardo Milei, will be in Spain between the 17th and 19th of May on a private visit. The Argentine Embassy in Madrid informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain of this trip via a letter dated April 30th. Milei would be accompanied by his sister, Karina Milei, the Secretary General of the Presidency. The embassy mentioned that Milei would travel in the official plane and further details regarding schedules and support delegation would be provided soon. The government of Argentina attributed the controversy surrounding the trip to a mistake made by their diplomatic office in Madrid, clarifying that the trip was official and not private.

The letter sent by the Embassy at the end of April confirmed Milei’s trip, which he had announced a month prior on social media. Milei had been invited by Santiago Abascal, the leader of the ultra party Vox, to participate in the launch campaign for the European elections that weekend in May. As the date approached, the Argentine government faced public scrutiny over the expenses of Milei’s international trips. Critics pointed out that while Milei was implementing drastic public spending cuts in Argentina, he and his entourage were using the presidential plane and spending from state coffers to promote the figure of the far-right leader abroad.

The government defended the expenses of Milei’s trip to Madrid, stating that they were covered by the state due to the official nature of the visit, despite the lack of bilateral meetings with Spanish authorities. The main reason cited for the trip was Milei’s meeting with Spanish business leaders, many of whom have investments or interests in Argentina. The use of the presidential plane for international travel has come under scrutiny, with Milei conducting six international trips since taking office. The costs of the initial three trips totaled about $168,000, with the latest trip to Madrid expected to cost more due to Milei’s switch to using the presidential plane for security reasons.

Critics, including opposition lawmakers, have accused Milei of using public funds and assets, such as the presidential plane, to travel to Spain for activities related to the Vox party. The cost to the state is estimated to exceed $500,000. Despite these allegations, the government has defended Milei’s international travels, emphasizing the importance of the meetings and events he has attended, such as the Forum in Davos, meetings with global figures like Donald Trump, and engagements with business leaders like Elon Musk. The criticisms of wasteful spending strike a nerve for the government, which came to power on a platform opposing political privileges and advocating for austerity.

The accusations of misuse of public funds have put the government under pressure to justify Milei’s international travels and the expenses incurred. While the government asserts that Milei’s trips serve important diplomatic and economic purposes, critics argue that the lavish spending on private events and partisan activities abroad contradicts the principles of fiscal responsibility and transparency. The controversy surrounding Milei’s trips highlights the challenges faced by governments in balancing the need for international engagement with the imperative to be accountable to taxpayers and demonstrate prudent financial management. As Milei continues his international travels and engagements, the scrutiny over the use of public resources for his trips is likely to persist and become a key issue for the government moving forward.

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