Improving customer service outcomes is a challenging task that many customer service teams face due to rising demand, high customer expectations, and budgetary constraints. Many brands assume they need to be present on every communication channel to serve their customers effectively. However, this approach often leads to teams trying to deliver great service over numerous channels without sufficient resources. As a result, they are expected to achieve more with the same or sometimes even fewer resources, ultimately resulting in dissatisfied customers.

The belief that brands need to be present on every channel their customers are on does not necessarily hold true when considering customer behavior and preferences. Customers are willing to go the extra mile for a better experience, whether it be in the physical world or the digital realm. Therefore, it may be more beneficial for brands to focus their efforts on delivering exceptional service on a select number of channels rather than spreading themselves thin across multiple channels. By concentrating resources on fewer channels, brands can provide better service and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Making the decision to reduce the number of channels served requires brands to make difficult choices and effectively communicate the changes to their customers. While it may seem daunting, focusing on delivering excellent service through a smaller number of channels can lead to better outcomes in the long run. Brands should prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to customer service, as providing exceptional service in a select few channels is more valuable than delivering subpar service across numerous channels.

In his commencement address in 1980, Alan Alda famously said, “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in.” This quote holds true in the context of customer service, where assumptions about needing to be present on every channel may be hindering brands from delivering outstanding service. By challenging these assumptions and reevaluating their approach to customer service, brands can ultimately enhance customer satisfaction and improve service outcomes.

Moving forward, brands should consider the impact of their assumptions regarding customer service and communication channels. By reassessing their strategies and focusing on delivering exceptional service through fewer channels, brands can create a more efficient and effective customer service experience. Ultimately, prioritizing quality over quantity can lead to better outcomes for both brands and their customers, resulting in improved satisfaction and loyalty in the long run.

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