The Indonesian government has decided not to raise tuition at state schools for the upcoming academic year, following student protests. Rules at public universities require fees to be set based on government benchmarks and means-testing to ensure students from the least affluent families pay the lowest rates. In contrast, private institutions do not have the same regulations, making it harder for financially needy students to attend.

Private universities in Indonesia are utilizing influencer scholarships as a strategy to attract students, which some academics view as superficial. These scholarships can also serve as a form of free marketing for these schools, as influencers with large social media followings can promote positive experiences at the institution. While some argue that influencer scholarships offer opportunities for students interested in marketing or pursuing influencer careers, others believe that scholarships should prioritize financially needy students.

Teenage influencer Satria Rizki Safiri, with over 200,000 TikTok followers, received a scholarship worth 66 million Indonesian rupiah (US$4,000) to study logistics engineering. While this demonstrates creativity and confidence, some question the competence of students accepted into competitive programs through influencer scholarships. Some academics suggest that universities should focus on providing scholarships to students from low-income backgrounds who truly need financial assistance.

Private universities in Indonesia face challenges in attracting applicants, as most students prefer attending state universities for their prestige and affordability. Influencer scholarships are seen as a way for private schools to increase visibility and attract students. However, concerns exist about the depth and effectiveness of this strategy, with suggestions that scholarships should be targeted towards students with financial need rather than those with social media influence.

Critics argue that influencer scholarships may not always prioritize students who truly need financial assistance but instead focus on those who can provide free marketing for the university. Despite the potential benefits of influencer scholarships, concerns remain about their impact on the academic standards of competitive degree programs. Some academics believe that scholarships should be awarded based on financial need rather than social media influence, to ensure they reach students who require assistance the most.

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