The end of April has been very rainy in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. While the rainfall is beneficial for alleviating meteorological drought, it is not enough to completely resolve the issue. April has been dry overall in Spain, with rainfall not reaching even half of the normal value until the 28th. This April is likely to be one of the driest in the historical record. Despite the recent cold weather, the month has been very warm, with temperatures averaging over one degree higher than normal. This trend is reflective of global warming, with 2024 marking one of the warmest first four months in history. While overall, rainfall since the start of the hydrological year has been slightly above normal, there has been a significant lack of rainfall in the eastern third of the Peninsula and the archipelagos.

Looking ahead to May, June, and July, weather forecasts suggest above-average temperatures across the country, especially in the eastern Peninsula and the archipelagos. There is a higher chance of below-average rainfall in the western Peninsula, while the rest of the country remains uncertain. The upcoming holiday on May 1st and the following days are expected to be cold, with daytime temperatures well below normal in the interior of the Peninsula. Nighttime frost may occur in mountainous areas and some regions of the country, with rainfall decreasing over time and temperatures rising above normal during the weekend, with some areas reaching over 30° Celsius.

The forecast for the upcoming months indicates a shift in the rainfall pattern, particularly in the western Peninsula, where drier conditions are expected. Warmer than usual temperatures are likely throughout the country, with a focus on the eastern Peninsula and the archipelagos. Wednesday will see intermittent rain and showers in various regions, with more significant rainfall in certain areas of the country. Snowfall is expected in mountainous regions, reaching as low as 900 meters. Thursday will start cold, with frost in mountainous and central areas, gradually warming up throughout the day, especially in the east where temperatures may reach 25°.

By the weekend, temperatures will continue to rise, eliminating the possibility of frost in mountainous regions. The weather will gradually stabilize across the country, with rain decreasing in some areas. Overall, the outlook is for warmer temperatures and less rainfall, with conditions returning to normal by the start of the next week. In the Canary Islands, trade winds will bring light rain to the northern regions, gradually decreasing over the days. Temperatures will continue to rise, with the south of Gran Canaria reaching over 30° during the weekend.

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