A recent poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows that Vice President Kamala Harris is viewed more positively by voters than she was in July. Approximately half of voters have a positive view of Harris, citing her intelligence, speaking abilities, and stance on pro-choice issues as reasons for their support. In comparison, former President Donald Trump’s favorability ratings remain steady, with six in 10 voters holding an unfavorable view of him. Despite this, Trump has previously won elections with low favorability ratings and came close to winning in 2020 under similar conditions.

The survey also found that a relatively small share of voters believe either Harris or Trump would change the country for the better. Despite this, voters are more likely to see Harris as a good president and believe she has a better chance of winning the election in November compared to Trump. Independent voters view Harris more favorably than Trump, with a sizable share of independents indicating that they do not know enough about Harris to form an opinion. This suggests that Harris has more room to gain ground among independent voters.

Opinions about Trump are generally more formed than opinions about Harris, with voters expressing concerns about his honesty and willingness to say anything to win the election. However, voters are more likely to believe that Harris would change the country for the better and fight for people like them. Despite attempts by Trump to portray Harris as a weak alternative, voters still perceive both candidates as tough enough to be president. This sentiment is particularly strong among Republican voters, who remain divided in their views of Trump but generally support him.

Overall, Democratic voters have stronger positive feelings about Harris compared to Republican voters’ views of Trump. Harris’s supporters appreciate her understanding of issues such as child care affordability and the challenges faced by first-time homebuyers. While there are differing opinions on both candidates, the upcoming election is expected to be polarizing, with voters on both sides expressing skepticism about whether the election will solve the country’s divisions. Despite this, Harris’s introduction to the country is seen as positive, with voters increasingly viewing her as a viable candidate for the presidency.

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