A recent investigation conducted by the Associated Press revealed a pattern of police officers violating guidelines for safely subduing individuals without causing harm. The violations included practices that restrict breathing or excessive use of Tasers, leading to hundreds of deaths. In many cases, officers deviated from best practices even when there was no immediate danger, misinterpreting situations or applying force unnecessarily. The investigation cataloged 1,036 deaths over a decade after force was used by officers, with about half of the cases ruled by medical officials to have been caused or contributed to by law enforcement.

Many of the individuals who died after being subdued had underlying medical conditions or were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, making them more vulnerable to the misapplied force. The lack of national rules for the use of force by officers allows individual departments to set their own policies. This absence of consistent standards has led to a disregard for safety guidelines meant to protect individuals during police encounters. The investigation found that in roughly 45% of cases, officers breached guidelines in three or more ways, sometimes leading to life-threatening injuries.

The use of lethal restraint techniques such as pinning individuals face-down or excessive use of Tasers has resulted in numerous deaths over the years. Despite warnings against certain practices like prone restraint and prolonged and repeated Taser shocks, officers continued to employ these methods, sometimes resulting in fatal outcomes. The vulnerable groups most subjected to such tactics were those suspected of drug use, elderly individuals, and those experiencing mental health crises.

Force used after individuals were handcuffed or controlled was also a common violation of guidelines. Police officers were found to have applied force, including Tasers and physical holds, even after individuals were restrained and no longer resisting. While federal courts have set standards for the use of force against handcuffed individuals, officers in some cases continued to apply unnecessary force, leading to tragic consequences. The lack of adherence to established guidelines highlights a need for directives from the federal government to ensure consistent use-of-force standards across all police departments.

The investigation also uncovered instances where officers failed to promptly reposition individuals who were face-down or under restraint, leading to breathing or heart problems. In some cases, officers used Tasers on vulnerable individuals, including the elderly and those at risk of a catastrophic fall. Despite warnings about the risks associated with using Tasers on certain groups, including the elderly and those displaying erratic behavior, officers continued to employ these tactics leading to severe injuries or deaths.

The investigation sheds light on the urgent need for national rules and consistent standards in the use of force by law enforcement. By failing to follow established safety guidelines, officers have put vulnerable individuals at risk and contributed to numerous deaths. The findings underscore the importance of comprehensive training and oversight to ensure that police officers prioritize the safety and well-being of individuals during police encounters. As the debate around police reform continues, addressing these violations of best practices is crucial to preventing further unnecessary loss of life.

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