Antonio Tajani, the secretary of Forza Italia, is working to expand the boundaries of the center-right by spreading their ideas and being consistent to be credible. He emphasized that values and ideals remain the same, but the way they defend those values may change. Tajani made these remarks at the conclusion of a three-day event for the Youth of Forza Italia in Bellaria (Rimini), highlighting three key battles for the party: the ius scholae, the situation of prisons, and the crisis in Venezuela. He reiterated the goal of achieving 20% in the upcoming elections, which was the central theme of the Bellaria event, and also outlined the challenges that lie ahead for Forza Italia in the autumn, including the budget plan focusing on growth and the regional elections in Umbria, Liguria, and Emilia Romagna. Tajani stressed the importance of putting in maximum effort and creating competitive electoral lists while opening their doors to civic movements in order to reach the 20% target.

The key message from Antonio Tajani’s speech was the importance of coherence and credibility in spreading the center-right’s ideas. He emphasized that while the values and ideals of the party remain constant, the methods of defending them may evolve. Tajani highlighted the recent battles the party has faced, such as the ius scholae, prison conditions, and the situation in Venezuela, setting the stage for the challenges that lie ahead for Forza Italia. He underscored the party’s goal of achieving 20% in the upcoming elections and outlined the upcoming priorities, including the budget plan focusing on growth and the upcoming regional elections. Tajani called for a united effort within the party to create competitive electoral lists and to welcome civic movements in order to achieve their electoral objectives.

Antonio Tajani’s speech at the Youth of Forza Italia event in Bellaria emphasized the need for unity and dedication within the party to achieve their electoral goals. He stressed the importance of consistency and coherence in promoting the center-right’s ideas, while acknowledging the need to adapt the defense of these values to changing circumstances. Tajani outlined the party’s recent battles, such as the ius scholae, prison conditions, and the crisis in Venezuela, as well as the challenges that lie ahead in the autumn, including the budget plan and the regional elections. He reiterated the party’s target of reaching 20% in the upcoming elections and called for a collective effort to create competitive electoral lists and to engage with civic movements in order to increase their chances of success.

Antonio Tajani’s speech at the Forza Italia event in Bellaria highlighted the party’s commitment to expanding the center-right and promoting their values through consistency and credibility. He emphasized the need to stay true to the party’s core ideals while adapting their methods to suit the current political landscape. Tajani discussed the recent battles the party has faced and outlined the challenges that lie ahead in the autumn, including the budget plan and the regional elections. He reiterated the party’s goal of achieving 20% in the upcoming elections and stressed the importance of unity and dedication within the party to reach this target. Tajani called for a united effort to create competitive electoral lists and to engage with civic movements in order to strengthen the party’s electoral prospects.

Antonio Tajani’s speech at the Forza Italia event in Bellaria underscored the party’s focus on coherence, consistency, and credibility in promoting the center-right’s ideas. He emphasized the need to remain true to the party’s values while adjusting their methods to fit the current political context. Tajani discussed the recent battles the party has faced and outlined the challenges that lie ahead, including the budget plan and the regional elections. He reiterated the party’s objective of achieving 20% in the upcoming elections and stressed the importance of unity and dedication to reach this target. Tajani called for a concerted effort within the party to create competitive electoral lists and to collaborate with civic movements to enhance the party’s electoral prospects.

In conclusion, Antonio Tajani’s speech at the Forza Italia event in Bellaria highlighted the party’s commitment to expanding the center-right’s influence by promoting their values through coherence and credibility. He stressed the need for consistency in defending the party’s ideals while adapting to changing circumstances. Tajani outlined the party’s recent battles and the challenges that lie ahead, including the budget plan and the regional elections. He reiterated the party’s goal of achieving 20% in the upcoming elections and called for unity and dedication within the party to reach this target. Tajani emphasized the importance of creating competitive electoral lists and engaging with civic movements to strengthen the party’s electoral prospects.

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