There are seven candidates running in the European elections who are in violation of the self-regulation code, as reported by the president of the Antimafia Commission, Chiara Colosimo. A total of 20 candidates have had issues brought to the attention of the Antimafia Commission by the National Antimafia Directorate, but only 7 have been found to be in “conflict” with the self-regulation code. The names of these candidates include Angelo D’Agostino (FI), Marco Falcone (FI), Alberico Gambino (FdI), Filomena Greco (United States of Europe), Luigi Grillo (FI), Antonio Mazzeo (Pd), and Giuseppe Milazzo (FdI). The violations are mostly related to ongoing judicial proceedings.

In response to concerns that the names were released just days before the elections, Colosimo emphasized the need for urgent reform of the Antimafia code: “The changes to the Antimafia code have already been presented and in my opinion, the discussion to finalize them must be quick. In this first year, we have managed to reverse the trend of not disclosing the names of unacceptable candidates the day before or just days before the vote. We have achieved this thanks to the work of the National Antimafia Directorate and the National Antimafia Prosecutor, who have provided us with lists in a timely manner for verification by our committee of judicial consultants. This allows for accurate information for voters,” Colosimo stated.

This revelation highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in the electoral process. By identifying candidates who are in violation of the self-regulation code, the Antimafia Commission seeks to inform voters and ensure that they have all the information necessary to make an informed decision at the polls. The timely disclosure of candidate violations is seen as a significant step towards combating corruption and promoting integrity in political candidacy.

The involvement of the Antimafia Commission in monitoring and evaluating candidates for potential conflicts with the self-regulation code demonstrates a commitment to upholding ethical standards in the political sphere. By holding candidates accountable for their actions and ensuring that information is made available to the public, the Antimafia Commission plays a crucial role in safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process and promoting good governance.

The challenges faced in the European elections underscore the importance of ongoing efforts to combat corruption and uphold democratic principles. The Antimafia Commission’s role in monitoring candidates and addressing violations of the self-regulation code is vital in promoting transparency and accountability in the political arena. Through continued vigilance and oversight, the Commission seeks to protect the integrity of the electoral process and uphold the values of democracy and good governance.

In conclusion, the disclosure of violations by seven candidates in the European elections underscores the need for ongoing reform and vigilance in ensuring that electoral processes are free from corruption and misconduct. By holding candidates accountable and providing voters with accurate information, the Antimafia Commission plays a crucial role in safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process and promoting transparency in political candidacy. The commitment to upholding ethical standards and combating corruption is essential in preserving the values of democracy and fostering trust in the political system.

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