Friday’s Connections puzzle presented a grid of 16 words that needed to be arranged into four groups of four by figuring out the links between them. The groups were color-coded, with the yellow group being the easiest and the purple group typically the most challenging. Players were only allowed four mistakes before it was game over and hints were provided to help guide them in the right direction.

The hints for Friday’s Connections puzzle included clues such as “seen at the circus” for the yellow group, “The Wizard of Oz figures” for the green group, “film departments” for the blue group, and “I’m a ____” (lyrics in “The Joker”) for the purple group. Once the hints were given, players had to identify which words belonged in each group in order to successfully complete the puzzle.

The answers for Friday’s Connections puzzle revealed that the yellow group consisted of CLOWN, RING, TENT, and TRAPEZE, while the green group included LION, SCARECROW, WITCH, and WIZARD. The blue group comprised of HAIR, MAKEUP, PROPS, and WARDROBE, and the purple group featured JOKER, LOVER, SINNER, and SMOKER. Players who were able to correctly identify the links between the words were able to achieve a perfect game.

The player who solved Friday’s Connections puzzle shared their strategy, which included carefully analyzing all the words before beginning, considering potential red herrings, and taking the time to think through the connections. By first solving the blues and greens, then recalling a song that helped with the purples, the player was able to successfully complete the puzzle. With three straight perfect games, the player now holds four consecutive wins in a row.

Overall, players were encouraged to take their time, use the provided hints if needed, and think creatively when solving the Connections puzzle. By carefully considering the links between the words and analyzing potential connections, players were able to successfully complete the grid and achieve a perfect game. Be sure to check the blog for hints and solutions for future games.

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