The interview with the actress focuses on her thoughts on spring fashion trends and her upcoming film, The Idea of You. The actress shares her love for waistcoats vests in light-colored linens and denim maxi skirts as go-to pieces for the season. She also mentions her excitement for the trend of pairing skirts with sneakers. The actress expresses her interest in trying a transparent pencil skirt as part of the sheer trend. In terms of her upcoming film, The Idea of You, she reveals that the trailer broke records as the most-watched trailer from a streaming film ever. She credits the success of the trailer to the attention to detail and careful calibration of the film to appeal to a certain audience.

The actress emphasizes the importance of feeling good in what you wear and creating designs that cater to all body types, specifically women. She believes that everyone wants to feel gorgeous but acknowledges that bodies are unique and designs should be inclusive. When asked about her fashion preferences for the spring season, she mentions her love for waistcoats vests, denim maxi skirts, and shirt dresses, which she finds essential for hot weather in Manhattan. The actress also expresses her excitement for the trend of pairing skirts with sneakers, which she believes adds a touch of happiness to one’s outfit.

In the interview, the actress reveals her interest in trying out a transparent pencil skirt as part of the sheer trend, describing them as gorgeous and versatile. She mentions that transparent pencil skirts pair well with simple tank tops and statement necklaces, making them a stylish choice for the season. The actress also shares her enthusiasm for the trailer of her new film, The Idea of You, breaking records as the most-watched trailer from a streaming film ever. She attributes the success of the trailer to the hard work of the team behind the film and their dedication to creating a unique and engaging project.

Overall, the interview highlights the actress’s passion for fashion and her commitment to creating designs that make women feel good about themselves. She shares her favorite spring fashion pieces, including waistcoats vests and denim maxi skirts, as well as her excitement for new trends like pairing skirts with sneakers and trying out transparent pencil skirts. The actress also reflects on the success of the trailer for her upcoming film, The Idea of You, attributing its popularity to the meticulous attention to detail and careful calibration of the film to appeal to its audience.

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