An airline captain has been suspended for locking his female co-pilot out of the flight deck during a 10-hour flight from Sydney, Australia to Colombo, Sri Lanka. The first officer had left to use the bathroom, leaving her male counterpart alone at the controls. When she returned, she found herself unable to open the door to the flight deck. The captain had locked her out because she had not arranged for someone to take her place during her bathroom break, a violation of standard operating procedures. The standoff was finally resolved after senior crewmembers persuaded the pilot to let his co-pilot back in.

The plane, carrying 297 passengers, safely landed at its destination without any further incidents. The pilot has since been grounded and the airline is investigating the matter with the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Airlines released a statement addressing the captain’s actions, emphasizing that safety and compliance with all regulatory requirements are their top priorities. Flights usually have three to four pilots onboard during long-haul flights to ensure that there is always someone available to control the aircraft while others take breaks or use the bathroom.

International aviation protocols mandate that two pilots be present on the flight deck at all times. If there is no third relief pilot, a flight attendant must stand in the control room until the first officer returns. The captain’s decision to lock out his co-pilot during a bathroom break violated these protocols and caused a potentially dangerous situation. The incident highlights the importance of following established procedures and ensuring that there are always enough crew members available to safely operate the aircraft.

The actions of the captain were described as “petty” and resulted in a tense standoff that had to be resolved by senior crewmembers over the intercom. The situation was likened to a reverse hostage scenario, with the co-pilot locked out of the flight deck by her male counterpart. The fact that the incident was able to be resolved without any further issues is a testament to the professionalism and skills of the rest of the crew on board the flight. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of communication and cooperation among crew members to ensure the safety of all passengers and the successful operation of the flight.

Sri Lankan Airlines is fully cooperating with authorities in their investigation of the incident and has grounded the captain pending the outcome. The airline is committed to ensuring that safety is always the top priority and that all regulatory requirements are followed. The incident has raised concerns about the behavior and decision-making of the captain, as well as the need for ongoing training and oversight to prevent similar incidents in the future. Ultimately, the situation serves as a cautionary tale for all pilots and crew members to adhere to established protocols and procedures to maintain the safety and security of all flights.

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