Angie Harmon, known for her role in “Law & Order,” announced on Instagram that her dog Oliver was shot and killed by an Instacart delivery person over Easter weekend. She explained that the man delivered groceries, then shot Oliver in their yard while their ring camera was charging. Harmon and her daughters were home at the time and heard the man admitting to the shooting. The man was let go by police claiming it was self-defense, despite having no injuries.

Harmon shared photos of Oliver playing and resting in their home, showing the bond they shared. The post received an outpouring of support from her followers, with model Paulina Porizkova expressing shock at the incident. Harmon also shared more details on her Instagram Story, including the identity of the Instacart employee involved. She condemned his actions as despicable and inexcusable, expressing her trauma and devastation over the loss of Oliver.

The actress criticized the heartless act and expressed her deep sadness over not being able to say goodbye to Oliver. Instacart responded to the incident by suspending the shopper’s account immediately and cooperating with law enforcement in their investigation. They emphasized their zero tolerance for any form of violence, acknowledging the severity of the situation. Harmon and her family were left traumatized by the loss of their beloved pet and are seeking justice for Oliver’s death.

The tragic incident has reignited conversations about pet safety and the importance of accountability for violent actions. Harmon’s heartbreaking story serves as a reminder of the profound impact pets have on families and the devastating consequences of senseless acts of violence. The support and sympathy from her followers and the swift response from Instacart in handling the situation demonstrate the community’s solidarity in condemning such cruelty.

Harmon’s public plea for justice and accountability reflects the need for stricter regulations and consequences for those who harm animals. Oliver’s memory lives on through the shared moments captured in the photos Harmon posted, showcasing the love and joy he brought to their family. The loss of a beloved pet not only affects the immediate family but also resonates with animal lovers worldwide, who empathize with the pain and grief of losing a furry companion.

As the investigation into Oliver’s death continues, Harmon remains vocal about the traumatic experience they faced and the need for justice to be served. The tragic loss of Oliver has sparked a movement of support and solidarity among animal advocates, who stand united in condemning violence against innocent animals. Harmon’s courage in sharing her story and seeking accountability for Oliver’s death serves as a powerful reminder of the bond between humans and their pets and the responsibility to protect and cherish all living creatures.

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