Ángeles Flórez Peón, also known as Maricuela, passed away at the age of 105. Her life was marked by intense historical events, such as the Spanish Civil War, repression, suffering, exile, and the fight for social justice. Born in a mining town with a strong socialist commitment, Flórez Peón joined the Socialist Youth and became involved in politics from a young age. Her brother’s murder during the 1934 Revolution led to her family moving to the location where “the martyrs of Carbayín” fell. She embodied the character of Maricuela in a play called Arriba los pobres del mundo, which was interrupted by the outbreak of the Civil War.

During the war, Flórez Peón joined the militia to defend the Republic and experienced imprisonment, hardships, and witnessing the execution of fellow female prisoners. Despite the terrible conditions and treatment she endured, she never wavered in her convictions. After her release, she married her companion Chano and continued their political activities in clandestinity during the years of persecution. Flórez Peón’s husband went into exile first, followed by her and their daughter in a risky clandestine journey to France. She remained politically active while in exile and returned to Asturias after her husband’s death.

Flórez Peón dedicated her life to fighting for social justice, human rights, and freedom. She wrote two books detailing her experiences and remained actively involved in various causes well into her later years, including fighting for pension rights and against rising fascism. She believed in the importance of youth participation in the struggle for rights and freedoms and served as the honorary president of the Socialist Youth of Asturias. Despite receiving recognition and accolades, she remained humble, stating that she didn’t feel deserving of such honors as she simply did what she believed was right.

Flórez Peón’s life was defined by her unwavering commitment to her ideals of social justice, freedom, and workers’ emancipation. She never missed an opportunity to advocate for these principles and set an example of true dedication and courage. Her legacy lives on in the memories of those who knew her and were inspired by her life and actions. By honoring her memory, we also honor the struggles and sacrifices of all those who fought for a better world. Ángeles Flórez Peón, or Maricuela, will forever remain a symbol of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to justice and equality.

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