Former Chancellor Angela Merkel has been notably absent from CDU events for some time, and despite being invited, she will not be attending the party’s federal convention in Berlin in May. However, she will be present at the farewell event for former Green Party leader and environmental minister Jürgen Trittin. The Green Party leaders expressed their delight that Merkel accepted the invitation, noting her long-standing parliamentary relationship with Trittin and their collaboration in various roles over the years. Trittin recently announced his resignation from his Bundestag seat after around 25 years in Parliament. Merkel, who preceded Trittin as Environment Minister from 1994 to 1998, will be attending the internal faction event to bid him farewell.

Trittin, who has been more visible in recent years for his foreign policy work, will be celebrating his 70th birthday in July. Merkel’s decision to attend Trittin’s farewell event contrasts with her choice not to participate in the CDU Federal Convention at the Berlin Estrel Hotel from May 6 to 8, as reported by the “Tagesspiegel”. Her office spokesperson confirmed that the former Chancellor will not be attending the event, citing Merkel’s post-political understanding of not participating in current events after leaving office. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the CDU headquarters, had officially invited Merkel to the convention, but she declined the offer. She had also recently withdrawn from the foundation, not standing for the board and membership elections in December 2023.

Merkel’s absence from CDU events and her decision not to attend the federal party convention align with her post-political stance of staying away from current political activities after leaving office. Her withdrawal from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and her reluctance to participate in the CDU event underscore this approach, reflecting her desire to maintain a certain distance from day-to-day politics following her time in office. Merkel’s decision to attend Trittin’s farewell event highlights the personal and professional relationships formed during their parliamentary work, showcasing a different side of her post-political engagement compared to party-related activities.

The exclusion of the former Chancellor from the CDU event and her attendance at Trittin’s farewell illustrate Merkel’s selective approach to post-political engagement. By choosing to participate in internal faction events like Trittin’s farewell while distancing herself from broader party gatherings, Merkel is demonstrating a nuanced approach to her post-political life. Her decision not to attend the CDU convention in Berlin reflects her consistent stance of avoiding immediate political involvement, a position she has maintained since leaving office. Merkel’s presence at Trittin’s farewell signifies the importance of personal and professional relationships forged during her political career, showcasing a different aspect of her post-Chancellor activities.

In recent years, Angela Merkel has chosen to maintain a low profile at CDU events, opting for selective appearances at internal faction gatherings over broader party functions. Her decision to attend Jürgen Trittin’s farewell event while skipping the CDU Federal Convention underscores her personalized approach to post-political engagement. Merkel’s continued adherence to her post-Chancellor understanding of limiting active political engagement aligns with her decision to withdraw from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and decline participation in the party convention. By balancing personal relationships with professional commitments, Merkel’s post-Chancellor activities reflect a deliberate and calculated approach to her life after office.

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