Andrew Scott and Dakota Fanning star in the Netflix series “Ripley,” which is based on Patricia Highsmith’s novel “The Talented Mr. Ripley.” The show follows the story of Tom Ripley, a notorious scam artist who manipulates those around him. The series, developed by Steven Zaillian, explores themes of deception and seduction in the social media era. Fanning plays Marge Sherwood, Dickie’s girlfriend who is suspicious of Ripley’s motives. The series also stars Johnny Flynn as Dickie Greenleaf, the wealthy heir Ripley becomes obsessed with.

Scott and Fanning discussed the enduring fascination with con artists, particularly focusing on the character of Tom Ripley. They explored the complexities of Ripley’s character and his ability to charm, manipulate, and deceive those around him. Fanning noted that audiences sympathize with Ripley despite his actions. Scott added that exploring Ripley’s character allowed him to understand the inner motivations of a character who is not a natural killer but is driven to extreme measures out of necessity.

The series also delves into the dynamic between Tom and Marge, exploring their mutual suspicion and competition. Fanning enjoyed playing a character who was not easily deceived by Ripley’s charms. The series presents a more nuanced view of these characters compared to other adaptations, emphasizing the complexities of their relationships and motivations. Additionally, the show subtly addresses Ripley’s sexuality and sensuality without labeling him, adding depth to his character.

While the original novel depicted the characters as being in their early 20s, the series does not focus on age differences but instead emphasizes the timeless nature of the characters’ behavior. Scott and Fanning discussed how age was not a major concern in portraying their characters and instead focused on their personalities and experiences. Additionally, Scott humorously reflected on the challenges of filming scenes featuring numerous stairs, a recurring element in the series.

Overall, “Ripley” offers a dark and subversive take on the classic con artist story, exploring themes of identity, deception, and moral ambiguity. The series offers a modern twist on the classic tale, drawing audiences into the seductive and dangerous world of Tom Ripley and his intricate web of lies. Through the performances of Scott and Fanning, the series delves deep into the psyches of its characters, revealing the complexities of their relationships and motivations. “Ripley” is a compelling and suspenseful drama that captivates audiences with its blend of intrigue, suspense, and psychological depth.

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