The Andalusian Popular Party believes that they cannot remain silent in the face of negotiations over the renewal of the outdated regional financing system, which has been expired for 10 years. They have called for social mobilization in response to the mistreatment that is looming. The negotiations for reforming the financing model are still far from being reached, although the Minister of Finance has called for a meeting with the autonomous communities in July. In 2018, all parties in Andalusia, except for Ciudadanos, agreed to request a 16 billion euro injection into the system from the central government, with 4 billion euros allocated to Andalusia.

The parties in Andalusia seem to have a common starting point in 2018, when they all agreed on the need for increased funding from the central government. However, in the current uncertain national political landscape, short-term strategies are prevailing in all parties. The PSOE in Andalusia has expressed a firm stance on the need for a new funding agreement that takes into account the unique aspects of each region, including Andalusia. The PP in Andalusia, along with other regions like Valencia, advocates for population-based criteria for the distribution of funds in the future system.

The PP has taken on the responsibility of setting the position of the autonomous community on financing and presenting their proposal to the government. They are focusing on the demands of the Catalan independentist parties and the response from the Minister of Finance, who has expressed opposition to any agreement that does not comply with the Constitution. However, she has also indicated a willingness to advance in terms of unique financing and increased self-government for Catalonia. The PP representative in parliament has called for social mobilization, likening the current situation to the early days of the Andalusian autonomy process, stressing the importance of valuing the region’s population and history.

The PP in Andalusia is not looking to the PSOE for guidance on this issue, but rather to the demands of the Catalan independentist parties and the government’s response. The regional parties are focused on finding a fair funding agreement that reflects the needs of their populations. The Minister of Finance has emphasized the importance of remaining within the framework of the Constitution while acknowledging the desire for increased autonomy in certain regions. As discussions continue, the PP in Andalusia is determined to stand up for the region’s interests and fight against any attempts to marginalize it in the national context.

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