The hiring of the former number two of the Andalusian Health Department, Miguel Ángel Guzmán, by the private insurer Asisa just three months after leaving his position has sparked a new crisis in the management of public health by the Junta de Andalucía, which was already under criticism for the collapse in primary care, overwhelming waiting lists, handpicked contracts with private companies to address them, and the indefinite strike of lawyers from the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), whose role is essential in managing these contracts. The Andalusian government, which claims to have been unaware of the former deputy minister’s move to the private sector, has launched an internal investigation to determine if his hiring violates the law on the incompatibility of high-ranking officials. They seek to address the criticism from all opposition parties that see Guzmán’s behavior as an example of the connivance between the administration of popular leader Juan Manuel Moreno and the private health sector.

According to government sources, Guzmán’s decision to join a private insurer with such speed has caused discomfort, and they believe he made a mistake by taking that step, suggesting he should resign from his position. Sources close to him indicate that he will wait for the conclusions of the government’s report before making any decisions. During Guzmán’s time in high-ranking positions at the Health Department, there have been controversies related to the deterioration of the Andalusian health system and the signing of contracts and agreements with the private health sector. The spokesperson for Marea Blanca in Andalusia believes that Guzmán’s past involvement in allocating budgets to Asisa explains why he is being hired now.

Guzmán joined the regional administration in 2019 as the SAS manager and in 2022 became the Health Vice Minister under Catalina García. During his tenure, emergency contracts authorized during the pandemic were extended beyond what was recommended by the Ministry of Finance in 2021, resulting in 21,668 emergency contracts worth 1.6 billion euros being signed between 2020 and 2022. Nearly 44 million euros were allocated to 11 centers owned by the HLA Group, which Guzmán managed as SAS manager. There were also untimely renewals of a contract with one of the clinics worth 5.2 million euros during this time.

In 2022, the ministry published a tariff order updating prices for agreements with private healthcare providers, potentially opening the doors to privatizing primary care and allowing public health centers to be used by private sector professionals. This decision caused uproar among political parties, unions, and civil society, leading the Andalusian government to retract and remove those provisions from the order to reach an agreement on Primary Care with major unions. In October 2023, the Health Minister announced two mega-agreements worth 734 million euros with the private sector over four years to reduce waiting lists, which had grown significantly during that time.

The Andalusian government is aware that its management of healthcare could affect voter sentiment, but they are hopeful that recent plans will reduce waiting lists. The PP party insists that the issue depends on the health district in which one lives. Despite the controversies surrounding Guzmán’s quick transition to the private sector and the criticisms of the government’s handling of public healthcare, the government is taking steps to address the situation and ensure the efficiency and quality of the healthcare system in Andalusia. Demonstrations have been organized in defense of public healthcare, reflecting the concerns of the public and the need for transparency and accountability in the management of healthcare resources.

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