Hannah Brown, known for her time on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, recently released her debut novel, Mistakes We Never Made. The book follows the story of Emma Townsend, a 28-year-old interior designer who goes on a road trip down the West Coast with Finn Hughes, a childhood crush and former fling. Brown, who also has a background in interior design, incorporated elements of her own life into the story, drawing inspiration from her own experiences of doubt and miscommunication in relationships.

Fans of Bachelor Nation were quick to notice some Easter eggs in the novel that were inspired by Brown’s real-life experiences. For example, the protagonist, Emma, is a Texas native who went to the University of Texas, while Brown herself is an Alabama native who graduated from the University of Alabama. Additionally, Emma’s career as an interior designer mirrors Brown’s own former career choice before she became a reality star.

One of the subtle references in the book is Emma’s friend Nikki, who was on a reality dating show called LovedBy and famously declared that she was “not here to make friends.” Another nod to Brown’s time on The Bachelor is the mention of Emma being in “Beast Mode,” a nickname that Brown received during her time on the show. Additionally, an incident where Emma struggles to give a toast at her mom’s birthday dinner seems to be inspired by Brown’s own toast blunder on the show.

Another parallel between Brown’s real life and the novel is the theme of failed relationships. In Mistakes We Never Made, Emma’s friend Nikki falls in love with a man named Aaron on a reality show but ends up breaking up with him due to his lack of integrity and trustworthiness. This echoes Brown’s own failed engagement to Jedd Wyatt after it was revealed that he had a girlfriend during his time on The Bachelorette. Brown has been open about her anxiety struggles, which also played a role in the lead-up to her engagement to her now-fiancé Adam Woolard, and this theme is reflected in Emma’s character as well.

Throughout Mistakes We Never Made, Finn is a supportive presence for Emma, offering her tools for dealing with anxiety and being by her side through difficult times. This portrayal of a supportive partner may have been inspired by Brown’s own relationship with Woolard. Overall, the novel showcases Brown’s storytelling skills and her ability to draw from her personal experiences to create a compelling and relatable narrative. Fans of Bachelor Nation will enjoy uncovering the Easter eggs and seeing how Brown’s real-life inspirations shine through in the story of Emma and Finn.

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