President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump recently engaged in their first debate of the 2024 election, where they traded barbs and made a variety of false and misleading statements. Trump falsely portrayed the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol as a minor incident, while also exaggerating the strength of the economy during his administration. Biden, on the other hand, misrepresented the cost of insulin and embellished Trump’s remarks on using disinfectant to address COVID.

During the debate, the candidates sparred over various policy issues, with both Biden and Trump making false and misleading claims. Trump inaccurately claimed that a small number of people were escorted into the Capitol by police during the Jan. 6 attack, while also falsely accusing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of turning down National Guard assistance. Trump also made misleading statements about Biden’s tax proposals and the state of the economy on Jan. 6, 2021.

Biden, on the other hand, overstated the reduction in insulin costs under his administration and made false claims about Trump’s environmental record. Trump’s claims about abortions after birth and hostage negotiations were also found to be inaccurate. The candidates also clashed on issues related to immigration, crime, and military deaths, with both making unsubstantiated claims about the impact of their policies.

Overall, the debate highlighted the ongoing polarization and misinformation present in American politics. Both candidates used the event to make their cases before a national audience, but their statements were marred by falsehoods and exaggerations. As the 2024 election continues to unfold, voters will need to carefully fact-check the claims made by candidates to make informed decisions at the polls. It is essential for the public to stay informed and vigilant in the face of misleading information from political leaders.

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