An elderly American woman was tragically killed when a charging elephant flipped over the car she was traveling in at Kafue National Park in Zambia, according to tour operator Wilderness. The incident occurred during a game drive when the “aggressive” elephant buffeted the vehicle carrying six tourists and a guide. The 80-year-old victim died as a result of the incident, and another female guest was also injured and taken to a medical facility in South Africa. Four other passengers sustained minor injuries.

A video circulating on social media appears to show the moment the elephant runs towards the car and flips it over, causing the passengers to gasp as the vehicle rolls over. Photos of the car, which bears the logo of the tour operator, show it tipped onto its side with significant damage to its doors. While Wilderness did not confirm the authenticity of the video and photos, CEO Keith Vincent stated that their guides are highly trained and experienced. He explained that the guide’s route became blocked by terrain and vegetation, preventing him from moving the vehicle out of harm’s way quickly enough.

The victim was identified as Gail Mattson by her daughter, Rona Wells, on a Facebook post. Wells described her mother’s death as a “tragic accident while on her dream adventure.” The exact cause of Mattson’s death has not been specified, but the company stated that her body would be repatriated to her family in the U.S. with the assistance of local Zambian authorities and the U.S. embassy in Lusaka. Wilderness extended their deepest condolences to the victim’s family and expressed sorrow over the tragic event.

Kafue National Park, where the incident occurred, is Zambia’s largest and oldest national park spanning over 8,000 square miles. The park is known for its diverse wildlife and vast unexplored regions. Despite the presence of dangerous animals such as elephants, the park attracts tourists seeking to experience nature up close. The park’s website highlights its untamed wildlife population, making it a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

The incident serves as a reminder of the potential risks involved in wildlife safaris and tours, where encounters with wild animals can quickly turn dangerous. While tour operators strive to provide safe and memorable experiences for their guests, factors such as animal behavior and unpredictable circumstances can lead to tragic outcomes. The elephant’s aggression in this case resulted in a fatal accident, highlighting the importance of caution and adherence to safety protocols when encountering wildlife in their natural habitat.

As investigations into the incident continue, Wilderness and other tour operators will likely review their safety procedures and protocols to prevent similar tragedies in the future. The loss of Gail Mattson has left her family and the tourism community mourning, emphasizing the need for continued vigilance and awareness when engaging with wildlife in protected areas. The incident is a stark reminder of the inherent risks associated with wildlife encounters and the importance of respecting the boundaries of animals in their natural environment.

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