Shabbos Kestenbaum, an Orthodox Jew and graduate of Harvard Divinity School, spoke at the Milwaukee Republican National Convention in July 2024, highlighting his faith as a source of strength during difficult times. He filed a lawsuit against Harvard University for failing to combat antisemitism, and after experiencing an uptick in antisemitism following Hamas attacks on Israel in 2023, he felt proud to be Jewish and stood with his brothers and sisters. Kestenbaum expressed his deep connection to Israel, citing experiences of antisemitism on campus and criticizing Harvard’s teaching on Israel as focusing on negative aspects such as settler colonialism and apartheid.

Kestenbaum’s academic journey included studying Jewish philosophy, ethics, and law in Jerusalem before pursuing religious studies at Harvard, where he felt that normative Judaism was not accepted and Israel was portrayed in a negative light. He highlighted the significance of Jewish holidays like the Seventeenth of Tammuz and discussed his experiences fasting to commemorate the destruction of the second temple in 70 CE. Despite Harvard’s motion to dismiss his lawsuit, they stated their commitment to combating antisemitism and ensuring the safety and value of Jewish students in their community.

The escalation in antisemitism following Claudine Gay’s resignation as Harvard’s president was discussed by Kestenbaum, who noted derogatory comments blaming Jews for her departure and calling them “baby killers.” He pointed out the historical persecution and discrimination against Jewish people and emphasized the importance of standing together and refusing to buy into negative stereotypes. Kestenbaum encouraged dialogue and connection between people of different backgrounds, inviting them to learn about Jewish culture and traditions, attend Shabbat dinner, and pray for the Jewish community.

After delivering his speech at the RNC, Kestenbaum received support from delegates who informed him that parishes and communities in South Dakota and Iowa were praying for the Jewish community. He urged individuals to advocate for the release of hostages by contacting policymakers and emphasized the impact of prayers and solidarity in combating prejudice and discrimination. Kestenbaum’s experiences illustrate the challenges faced by Jewish individuals in academic and social settings, as well as the importance of faith, community support, and education in addressing antisemitism and promoting understanding between diverse groups.

Throughout his journey, Kestenbaum remained steadfast in his pride in his Jewish identity and connection to Israel, despite facing harassment and threats due to his faith. His lawsuit against Harvard and advocacy for combating antisemitism reflect his commitment to justice and standing up against discrimination. By sharing his experiences and promoting dialogue and unity, Kestenbaum aims to foster greater understanding and support for the Jewish community, emphasizing the shared destiny that connects people from different backgrounds in the fight against hatred and bigotry.

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