An 80-year-old woman named Julie Lenkoff suffered a stroke and possible heart attack while on a Norwegian Cruise Line and was “medically disembarked” on an African island, where she was left by the cruise line without informing her emergency contacts. Her family was left in a week-long ordeal of trying to find answers, while the cruise line provided no information. Meanwhile, another group of passengers, including six Americans and two Australians, were stranded on the same African island after their excursion ran late, and the ship’s captain refused to let them back on board. The Campbells, among the stranded passengers, took it upon themselves to help Lenkoff, paying for her medical bills, food, accommodation, and transportation back to the U.S.

Norwegian Cruise Line was criticized for its lack of response and care towards the stranded passengers, particularly Lenkoff, who was left behind without proper assistance. Despite the cruise line’s claims about the group being left behind due to returning late from an excursion, Lenkoff’s situation was never addressed in their statements. The cruise line’s response to the incident was considered inadequate by Lenkoff’s family, who praised the Campbells for their kindness and assistance in ensuring Lenkoff’s safe return to the U.S. Lenkoff was eventually flown back to the U.S. and admitted to a hospital, where she was receiving treatment for her medical condition.

Upon her return to the U.S., Lenkoff’s daughter shared thanks for the support and care her mother received from the Campbells and other kind strangers. She criticized Norwegian Cruise Line for leaving her mother behind without basic essentials or communication with her emergency contacts. The cruise line’s statement regarding the incident failed to address the concerns raised by the family, and they expressed disappointment at the lack of accountability and care shown by the company. Lenkoff’s daughter also mentioned the primitive conditions on the African island where her mother was left and how they had to rely on the help of strangers for her care.

Norwegian Cruise Line eventually issued a response regarding the situation, stating that Lenkoff was medically disembarked after assessment by the onboard medical team and was escorted back to the U.S. by the cruise line’s Care Team. The company claimed to have tried to contact Lenkoff multiple times and followed standard protocols for such situations. Lenkoff’s daughter expressed her gratitude for the support received from well-wishers and strangers who helped her mother during the ordeal. She emphasized the importance of basic communication and care in such situations and criticized the lack of accountability shown by Norwegian Cruise Line towards her mother’s case.

The incident involving Lenkoff highlighted the challenges faced by stranded passengers and the responsibility of cruise lines to ensure the safety and well-being of all passengers. The kindness shown by the Campbells and other passengers served as a beacon of hope during a difficult situation. Lenkoff’s family continued to advocate for better care and communication practices by cruise lines, urging for transparency and accountability in such cases. The incident also shed light on the vulnerabilities faced by elderly passengers and the importance of preparedness and response protocols in emergency situations while on board a cruise.

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