China released U.S. pastor David Lin, who had been in jail since 2006 for alleged “contract fraud” related to aiding a non-government sanctioned house church. Lin’s sentence was initially life in prison but was later reduced, and he was scheduled for release in 2030. Lin had been traveling to China for missionary work since the 1990s and reportedly applied for a license to organize a Christian ministry, which was denied by the Chinese government. House churches in China, independent of state-sponsored organizations, face hostility and persecution from authorities.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) expressed concerns about Lin’s safety and health, suspecting he was targeted in prison due to his faith. The USCIRF noted that Beijing’s house church movement, where Lin was active, has long faced hostility from Chinese authorities, with participants often subject to intimidation, harassment, arrest, and harsh sentences. Despite efforts from the Biden administration to secure Lin’s release, along with meetings with Chinese officials, other American citizens like Kai Li, Mark Swidan, Nelson Wells Jr., and Dawn Michelle Hunt remain wrongfully detained in China on various charges.

The State Department welcomed Lin’s release, stating that he has returned to the United States after nearly 20 years of imprisonment in China. The Biden administration, U.S. rights groups, and lawmakers continue to advocate for the release of Americans detained in China, including those held on espionage-related charges like Kai Li and drug charges like Mark Swidan, Nelson Wells Jr., and Dawn Michelle Hunt. The Dui Hua Foundation, a U.S.-based human rights group, has highlighted the wrongful imprisonment of these individuals over alleged drug-related charges.

Although specific details about Lin’s release were not provided by the State Department, reports indicate that efforts to secure his release had been ongoing for years, with recent attempts in July when Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Laos. The situation highlights the challenges faced by Americans detained in China and the ongoing efforts to secure their release. The U.S. government and various advocacy groups continue to work towards ensuring the safety and return of all Americans detained abroad, emphasizing the importance of protecting the rights and well-being of individuals like David Lin and others facing wrongful imprisonment in foreign countries.

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