The U.S. Central Command confirmed that a May 2023 airstrike in Syria targeting an al-Qaida leader mistakenly killed an innocent civilian named Mr. Lufti Hasan Masto. The investigation concluded that U.S. forces misidentified the target and unintentionally struck and killed Masto, who was a farmer raising sheep, chickens, and cattle with no ties to armed groups. Following the strike, reports from residents and family members indicated that the victim was an innocent civilian rather than a militant.

Despite the completion of the investigation in November, the findings were only publicly released by Central Command on Thursday. While much of the information from the investigation remains classified, the statement acknowledged that there were “several issues that could be improved.” Central Command assured that the strike was conducted in compliance with the law of armed conflict, as well as Department of Defense and CENTCOM policies. The command also expressed a commitment to learning from the incident and enhancing targeting processes to prevent potential harm to civilians in future operations.

The Defense Department has faced criticism for civilian casualties resulting from airstrikes during the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. In response, the department established a thorough investigation and review process for strikes where there are allegations of innocent people being killed. Despite these challenges, the U.S. continues to target leaders of al-Qaida and the Islamic State in Syria, including prominent figures like Abu al-Kheir al-Masri, a former aide to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida’s second in command in Syria, who was killed in a 2017 airstrike.

Mr. Masto’s brother, Mohamed Masto, strongly refuted allegations that his brother had any association with al-Qaida, labeling such claims as “absolute lies.” He described the killing of his brother as an “injustice and an aggression” and emphasized that Masto was simply tending to his livestock when the strike occurred. The incident underscores the challenges faced by military forces in distinguishing between legitimate targets and innocent civilians during high-stakes operations in conflict zones.

The unfortunate outcome of the airstrike in Syria serves as a reminder of the complexities and risks involved in conducting military operations in volatile environments. Despite efforts to minimize civilian casualties, incidents like these demonstrate the challenges of accurately identifying targets and avoiding unintended harm to non-combatants. Central Command’s acknowledgment of the issues identified in the investigation reflects a commitment to enhancing practices and procedures to prevent similar tragedies in the future. The incident highlights the importance of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in military operations to uphold humanitarian principles and protect innocent lives.

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