Around 100 Belgian delivery drivers working for the KM Group, an Amazon subcontractor in Flémalle, were collectively dismissed via WhatsApp due to the company’s bankruptcy. The drivers were left without July’s salary and were not provided with the necessary paperwork to access unemployment benefits. This sudden loss of income has left many employees struggling to make ends meet and uncertain about their financial future.

The General Labour Federation of Belgium and Confederation of Christian Trade Unions condemned the way the workers were sacked and the financial situation they were left in. The bankruptcy was reportedly filed after Amazon refused to renegotiate the terms of the contract with KM Group. Despite the company’s bankruptcy, the balance sheet has not been officially submitted and the dismissed workers have not received the necessary C4 form containing important information about their accrued holidays, holiday pay, and other payments.

The unions have been working to assist the dismissed workers in applying for emergency aid, but it remains unclear if their applications can be processed without the required documentation. KM Group confirmed that they do not have the funds available to pay the dismissed staff the wages they are owed. The unions are urging the employer to file for bankruptcy, so that the workers can collectively address the issue. Otherwise, each worker will have to go to court individually to try and recover their rights, which could be a lengthy process.

In response to the situation, the unions organized a demonstration outside the Amazon depot in Flémalle to draw attention to the working conditions in the delivery sector. They want to raise awareness among consumers who purchase items from Amazon and other online platforms about the potential labor issues that exist behind the scenes. The unions are hoping that their efforts will highlight the challenges faced by delivery workers and encourage companies like Amazon to take responsibility for the treatment of their subcontractors and employees.

KM Group and Amazon have been contacted for comment regarding the situation, but it is unclear what actions they will take in response to the workers’ plight. The drivers who were suddenly left without a job and income are faced with uncertainty and financial hardship. The unions are continuing to advocate for the rights of the dismissed workers and are working to ensure that they receive the assistance they need to navigate this challenging situation. Despite the difficulties they are facing, the workers are determined to seek justice for their unpaid wages and draw attention to the issues within the delivery sector.

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