Pope Francis recently held an outdoor mass in East Timor, with over 600,000 worshipers in attendance. In a country with a population of approximately 1.3 million, this turn-out was considered remarkable. The pope praised the people’s faith and encouraged them to let it guide their culture and decisions in accordance with the Gospel. East Timor is often referred to as the second-most Catholic country in the world, with over 97% of the population being Catholic, making the faith a crucial aspect of national culture. Pope Francis’ visit marked the first papal visit to the country since it gained independence in 2002.

The pope’s visit to East Timor holds historical significance as Pope St. John Paul II visited the region in 1999 to show support for the Catholic population during their struggle for independence. At that time, activists faced violent suppression and persecution from Indonesian authorities, and the pope’s visit led to increased global attention on the plight of the Timorese people. During his recent visit, Pope Francis commended the high birthrate and youthful population of East Timor, urging them to continue having many children and maintain their optimism for the future. His visit is part of his ongoing apostolic journey across several countries, including Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

Pope Francis’ pontificate has been characterized by outreach to Catholics in areas typically outside of the Catholic leadership’s focus. His visit to Indonesia, a predominantly Muslim country, was aimed at supporting the small percentage of Catholics living there. The pope’s journey to East Timor is part of his larger mission to connect with diverse communities and promote messages of faith and hope. This apostolic journey marks the 45th trip of Pope Francis’ reign, and he continues to spread messages of peace, unity, and the importance of faith in every community he visits.

During the mass in East Timor, Pope Francis addressed various social issues, including the importance of family, parenting, and peace. He urged parents to prioritize having children over pets, highlighting the value of a growing population and future generations. The pope also spoke out against drug trafficking, labeling traffickers as “murderers” and dismissing the idea of liberalizing drug laws as a “fantasy.” His messages resonate with the predominantly Catholic audience in East Timor, where faith plays a central role in everyday life. Pope Francis’ visit is not only a religious event but also a way to communicate important social and ethical values to a wide audience.

Pope Francis’ visit to East Timor is a significant event for the country’s Catholic population, who turned out in large numbers to attend the outdoor mass. The pope’s messages of faith, hope, and peace resonate with the predominantly Catholic community, where over 97% of the population adheres to the faith. His visit to East Timor is part of a larger apostolic journey across several countries, aimed at connecting with diverse communities and spreading messages of unity and love. Pope Francis’ outreach to regions typically overlooked by the Catholic leadership underscores his commitment to promoting inclusion, peace, and solidarity among all peoples, regardless of their background or beliefs.

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