Lebanese-born businessman Massad Boulos has emerged as a key figure in the effort to persuade Arab Americans to support Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 election. Boulos, who is part of the Trump family through his son’s marriage to Tiffany Trump, is using his connections within the community to build support for the former president. Trump has been positioning himself as more pro-Israel than Biden, which has resonated with some Arab Americans. However, many in the community have also criticized Trump for his Islamophobic comments and policies, such as the ban on immigration from majority-Muslim countries.

Despite Boulos’ efforts to convince Arab Americans to support Trump, some community leaders remain skeptical. They argue that Trump has not offered anything substantial to the community beyond his personal connections. Boulos, who has a background in politics in his home country of Lebanon, became more actively involved in Trump’s political orbit after meeting the former president at a White House Christmas party in 2019. His role has expanded significantly since his son married into the Trump family, especially as dissatisfaction with Biden among Arab Americans presents a potential political opportunity for Trump allies.

Boulos has engaged in outreach efforts with Arab American community leaders, emphasizing the difference in policies between the Biden and Trump presidencies. He has highlighted Trump’s promises to bring peace to the Middle East if reelected, as evidence of his alignment with the concerns of the community. However, many community leaders remain unconvinced and have criticized Trump’s policies in the region. Some have also explored other options beyond Trump and Biden, such as meeting with Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Officials from Biden’s administration have also engaged with Arab American leaders to address their concerns and maintain ongoing contact with the community.

Despite the outreach efforts from Trump allies like Boulos, some community members view Trump as a threat to the Muslim and Arab community. They criticize Trump for his racist and Islamophobic rhetoric and policies, such as his support for Israel’s actions in Gaza. Biden’s campaign has emphasized the president’s commitment to working towards peace and inclusivity, contrasting it with Trump’s divisive rhetoric. Boulos, who remains focused on engaging with the Arab American community as a concerned citizen and Republican, has not considered a role in Trump’s administration if the former president were to win in the upcoming election.

Overall, the engagement between Trump allies like Boulos and the Arab American community reflects a broader political strategy to sway key demographic groups ahead of the 2024 election. While some Arab Americans may be open to supporting Trump based on his pro-Israel stance, others remain skeptical of his policies and rhetoric. As the election season progresses, the dynamics between Trump supporters and critics within the Arab American community will continue to evolve.

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