The upcoming biographical drama film, The Apprentice, directed by Ali Abbasi and written by Gabriel Sherman, made its debut at the 77th annual Cannes Film Festival shortly after wrapping production. Starring Sebastian Stan as a young Donald Trump, the film explores his rise to power as a New York businessman in the 1980s under the influence of his attorney Roy Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong. The film received an almost 8-minute standing ovation at Cannes and garnered attention for its relevance in the current political climate, with Abbasi emphasizing the need for movies to be “relevant” and “political” once again.
Following the Cannes screening of The Apprentice, Trump’s campaign announced plans to take legal action against those involved in the production for defamation. The response from the campaign highlighted their dissatisfaction with the film’s portrayal of Trump and labeled it as “pure malicious defamation” that does not deserve to be released. Despite the controversy surrounding the film, it is still seeking a U.S. distributor but has already been sold to StudioCanal for the U.K. and Ireland release in 2024.
The biographical drama features a star-studded cast including Stan as Trump, Strong as Cohn, and Maria Bakalova as a young Ivanka Trump. The film delves into controversial topics such as a scene depicting Trump getting liposuction and allegations of rape against his former wife, Ivana. The inclusion of these controversial themes adds to the overall controversial nature of the film, making it a point of contention within the political and entertainment spheres.
Abbasi’s decision to tell the story of Trump’s rise to power in The Apprentice reflects a desire to confront the issues of rising fascism and political turmoil in a direct and unapologetic manner. By portraying Trump’s connections with powerful figures like Roy Cohn, the film explores the complex web of influence and power that contributed to Trump’s ascent in the business world and eventually in politics. The film’s bold approach to addressing these sensitive topics has sparked intense reactions and discussions.
Despite the backlash from Trump’s campaign and the various controversies surrounding the film, The Apprentice has succeeded in generating significant buzz and anticipation among audiences. With a talented cast and a compelling narrative that sheds light on Trump’s early years and his connections to key figures in his life, the film promises to offer a unique perspective on the controversial former president. As the film navigates the challenges of finding a distributor in the midst of an election year, its impact on the cultural and political landscape remains to be seen. In a time where the intersection of entertainment and politics is more prominent than ever, The Apprentice stands out as a film that dares to confront difficult truths and provoke important conversations.

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