German news site “Alle Antworten” recently released an in-depth analysis of the European election program proposed by the CDU/CSU. The article highlights the key points of the program and provides insight into the party’s stance on important European issues.

The CDU/CSU’s election program emphasizes the importance of a strong and united Europe, calling for increased cooperation among member states in areas such as security, defense, and economic policy. The party supports the idea of a Europe that is capable of acting independently on the global stage and is committed to fostering a more competitive and innovative European economy. Additionally, the CDU/CSU advocates for a common European foreign and security policy, as well as a strong focus on protecting the external borders of the EU.

On the topic of migration, the CDU/CSU’s program emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach that combines effective border control measures with increased support for refugees in their countries of origin. The party calls for a fair distribution of asylum seekers among member states and supports the establishment of reception centers outside of Europe to process asylum claims. Additionally, the CDU/CSU highlights the importance of combating the root causes of migration through development aid and cooperation with countries of origin.

In terms of climate policy, the CDU/CSU’s election program focuses on achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and promoting the transition to renewable energies. The party supports the implementation of a European carbon border tax to prevent carbon leakage and ensure a level playing field for European companies. Additionally, the CDU/CSU advocates for the protection of biodiversity and the implementation of sustainable agriculture practices to combat climate change.

On the topic of digitalization, the CDU/CSU’s program emphasizes the importance of promoting innovation and digital skills in Europe. The party supports the development of a digital single market and the establishment of European standards for data protection and cybersecurity. Additionally, the CDU/CSU calls for increased investment in digital infrastructure and the promotion of digital education for all European citizens.

The CDU/CSU’s election program also addresses social issues, highlighting the importance of fair wages, social security, and gender equality. The party supports the implementation of a European minimum wage and calls for better social protection for workers in the gig economy. Additionally, the CDU/CSU advocates for greater gender equality in the workforce and the promotion of work-life balance policies to support families.

Overall, the CDU/CSU’s European election program emphasizes the party’s vision of a strong and united Europe that is capable of addressing the challenges of the 21st century. The program focuses on key issues such as security, migration, climate policy, digitalization, and social issues, highlighting the party’s commitment to promoting a prosperous and sustainable future for all European citizens.

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