Former mayor Guo arrived in Manila escorted by Philippine law enforcement authorities, including Interior Minister Benjamin Abalos Jr. She expressed concern over receiving death threats and requested assistance from Philippine authorities for her safety. Abalos assured her security but urged her to disclose the truth, emphasizing that revealing all names involved was crucial for serving justice and resolving the situation.

The Senate initiated an investigation into Guo following a raid on a casino in Bamban town, where she served as mayor, revealing alleged scams operated on land she partly owned. Guo, who became mayor in 2022, ran as a Filipino citizen but her fingerprints were later found to match those of a Chinese national, Guo Hua Ping, according to the National Bureau of Investigation. In August, she was removed from office over allegations of grave misconduct related to illegal gaming operations in Bamban.

Embattled by the scandal, Guo sought refuge in Manila, where she sought assistance from Philippine authorities. With the support of Interior Minister Abalos, plans were made to ensure her safety while encouraging her to disclose all involved names to advance the pursuit of justice in the case. Despite her attempts to enter politics in the Philippines, Guo’s dual identity as a Chinese national raised concerns and ultimately led to her dismissal as mayor due to alleged connections to illegal gambling operations.

The escalating situation surrounding Guo’s alleged involvement in illegal activities prompted a Senate investigation in May, ultimately resulting in her removal from office in August over grave misconduct. The use of a private plane to transport her from Jakarta to Manila, accompanied by law enforcement officials, highlighted the seriousness of the accusations against her. Guo’s plea for help and concern over death threats indicated the precarious nature of her situation and the importance of securing her safety while seeking the truth behind the allegations.

With the stakes high and tensions mounting, Guo found herself in a precarious position as accusations of illegal activities threatened her safety and reputation. The dual identity revelation only added to the complexity of her situation, highlighting the potential for deception and unlawful actions. The collaborative efforts between Guo and Philippine authorities, led by Interior Minister Abalos, underscored the importance of transparency and accountability in resolving the case while upholding justice and the rule of law amidst the chaos of the scandal involving the former mayor.

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