The secretary of +Europe, Riccardo Magi, was forcibly pushed by Albanian security outside the Shenjing center in Albania. As the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was arriving, Magi stood in front of her car, blocking the passage of the convoy with a sign that read ‘No to Italian Guantanamo’. Magi was then blocked and pushed by local security. Meloni then got out of the car and approached him, telling the security not to detain the +Europe deputy, but a quarrel ensued. Meloni expressed her solidarity with Magi, stating that she had gone through a lot of electoral campaigns and was willing to help him. Magi accused Meloni of turning the visit into an “election hotspot,” questioning the nature of the facility and expressing concerns about the discriminatory treatment towards asylum seekers in Albania.

Before speaking to journalists, Magi criticized Meloni’s visit as an “election hotspot”. He raised questions about the facility they were in and the screening process for vulnerable individuals who should not be taken to Albania according to the law. Magi highlighted the discrimination that would occur, as individuals saved by Italian authorities would be detained in Albania while those saved by NGOs and brought to Italy would enter the reception system as asylum seekers. Renzi and Scalfarotto showed their solidarity with Magi, criticizing the violent treatment he faced and noting the seriousness of the situation. They announced plans to submit a parliamentary inquiry on the matter.

The incident in Albania involving the altercation between Riccardo Magi and local security, as well as the intervention of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, has raised concerns and sparked debate. Magi’s actions to protest against the treatment of asylum seekers and highlight potential discriminatory practices in Albania’s reception system were met with resistance from local security. The solidarity expressed by political figures towards Magi and the plans for a parliamentary inquiry demonstrate the significance of the incident and the need for further investigation into the treatment of individuals in the asylum process.

The confrontation in Albania between Magi and local security, as well as the involvement of Prime Minister Meloni, has drawn attention to the treatment of asylum seekers and the potential discrimination they face. Magi’s act of protest against the situation in the facility and his questioning of the screening processes highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in the asylum system. The solidarity shown by political figures towards Magi and the commitment to further investigate the incident underscore the importance of upholding human rights and promoting fair and just treatment for all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.

In the wake of the incident in Albania, where Riccardo Magi was pushed and detained by local security, there has been a call for accountability and transparency in the treatment of asylum seekers. Magi’s actions to protest against potential discrimination and his concerns about the reception system in Albania have sparked debate and raised awareness about the challenges faced by individuals seeking asylum. The expressions of solidarity and plans for a parliamentary inquiry reflect the commitment to upholding human rights and ensuring fair treatment for all individuals, regardless of their background. The incident serves as a reminder of the need to protect the rights of asylum seekers and promote a system that is based on equality and justice for all.

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