Alba García Martín, a 35-year-old candidate from Bilbao, is running with the political platform Sumar el 21-A, which she believes is the future of progressive politics in the Basque Country. She argues that there is a left-wing, non-independentist sector of the population that will never vote for EH Bildu, and sees Sumar as a key player in ensuring progressive policies in the Basque Parliament. With a background in psychology and social intervention, García Martín is the least known candidate in the race, but she believes that her grounded approach to politics is valued by voters.

Sumar el 21-A is not a new political force, according to García Martín, but rather a group of individuals who have been working in left-wing politics for a long time. Their focus is on creating a model for the Basque Country that prioritizes labor rights, public services, and education. They aim to challenge the current policies of the PNV and PSOE, which they see as detrimental to the region. García Martín believes that Sumar is the best option for voters who want to see change in the Basque Parliament and prevent the PNV from gaining a majority.

One of the main issues in the upcoming election is the state of the public healthcare system, which has been a major concern for Basque citizens. Sumar el 21-A proposes to prioritize public healthcare in the budget, increase staffing in primary care, and provide quality contracts to healthcare workers. Additionally, they are focused on addressing the lack of affordable housing in the region by regulating rental prices and increasing the availability of public housing. García Martín criticizes the current government’s approach to housing as viewing it as a commodity rather than a basic right.

When asked about potential coalition partners, García Martín is clear that Sumar el 21-A will not collaborate with the PNV due to their opposing visions for the Basque Country. She stresses that their goal is to support any government that prioritizes progressive policies, regardless of party affiliation. As for the possibility of EH Bildu leading a government, García Martín believes that the Basque society is mature enough to handle such a scenario, but remains cautious about endorsing any particular party until after the election results are in.

García Martín acknowledges that being the least known candidate in the race presents a challenge, but she sees it as an opportunity to connect with voters who appreciate a more down-to-earth approach to politics. While she faces criticism for her youth and lack of experience, she believes that her personal experiences of financial struggles and housing insecurity give her a unique perspective that resonates with many Basque citizens. Ultimately, she is confident that Sumar el 21-A represents a progressive future for the Basque Country and is committed to advocating for the interests of all residents.

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