The goal is to be the first: unfortunately, the age at which young people are approaching substances has significantly decreased in recent years. We are now even seeing individuals as young as 10-11 years old experimenting with drugs, a concerning trend that cannot be ignored, especially given the misleading messages that have been circulating in the recent past. The Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council, Alfredo Mantovano, emphasized that every type of drug is harmful. He spoke about the government’s campaign in collaboration with Rai to raise awareness about the dangers of drug use, highlighting the alarming spread of this issue among the youth.

Mantovano explained that the campaign consists of nine video clips, with one focusing on alcohol and another on tobacco. The government’s initiative is aimed at educating young people about the negative effects of substance abuse and deterring them from experimenting with drugs at such a young age. By addressing the issue head-on and providing accurate information, the campaign hopes to prevent young individuals from falling into the trap of drug addiction and its detrimental consequences. The focus is on prevention and early intervention to protect the well-being of the younger generation.

The campaign against drugs is a response to the growing concern about the increasing accessibility and normalization of drug use among young people. With the age of experimentation dropping to 10-11 years old, it is clear that urgent action is needed to address this issue and protect the future of the youth. Mantovano stressed the importance of countering misleading messages and promoting a clear understanding of the harmful effects of drugs on physical and mental health. The government’s collaboration with Rai underscores the significance of using various platforms to reach a wide audience and deliver a strong message about the dangers of substance abuse.

The inclusion of video clips dedicated to alcohol and tobacco in the campaign reflects the broader scope of the initiative to address all forms of substance abuse. By highlighting the risks associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption, the campaign aims to raise awareness about the different ways in which substances can harm individuals’ health and well-being. The comprehensive approach taken by the government emphasizes the need for a multi-faceted strategy to tackle the complex issue of substance abuse and provide young people with the information they need to make informed choices about their health.

In conclusion, the government’s campaign against drugs in collaboration with Rai is a critical step towards raising awareness about the dangers of substance abuse, especially among young people. By targeting individuals as young as 10-11 years old, the initiative aims to prevent early experimentation with drugs and protect the well-being of the youth. The comprehensive approach taken by the campaign, which includes video clips on alcohol and tobacco, underscores the broad scope of the initiative to address all forms of substance abuse. Through education and prevention, the campaign seeks to empower young people to make informed decisions about their health and avoid the pitfalls of drug addiction.

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