Comedian Alan Carr, known for his role as a television host, recently announced his single status following the end of his relationship with hairdresser Callum Heslop. Alan, 47, who was previously married to Paul Drayton, is now on the lookout for a new partner. Despite the breakup, he remains optimistic about finding love and has shared that he is interested in dating a “chunky” man. However, he has made it clear that he will not be using dating apps to meet potential partners.
Alan was first linked to Callum in November last year, but their romance ended by the beginning of 2024. The couple had reportedly received approval from Alan’s friend Adele. Alan has expressed his desire to find a new love interest and is eager to start dating again. He shared that he prefers chunky men and joked about the challenges of dating as a public figure. Alan’s previous comments about being on the lookout for love sparked rumors of his split with Callum, particularly after they were seen together in Los Angeles.
Despite his breakup with Callum, Alan remains in good spirits and is actively working on his podcast show, Life’s A Beach. He recently featured All Saints legend Shaznay Lewis as a guest on his show. The comedian continues to engage with fans through various social media platforms. He has hinted at upcoming projects and remains dedicated to his career in comedy. Alan’s openness about his relationship status and dating preferences has generated interest and support from fans who are eager to see him find love again.
Alan’s candid remarks about his search for a new partner have sparked conversations online. Many fans have expressed their support and encouragement for Alan as he navigates the world of dating. His openness and willingness to share details about his personal life have endeared him to fans worldwide. Despite the challenges of dating as a public figure, Alan remains optimistic about finding love and is ready to embark on a new romantic journey. As he continues his career in comedy and entertainment, his fans eagerly await updates on his personal life and future relationships.