In Adana, Turkey, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Deputy Chairman and Party Spokesperson, Ömer Çelik, cast his vote in the local elections at Lütfiye Kısacık Primary School in the Seyhan district where he graduated. Çelik expressed his hopes for a successful and high turnout election, emphasizing the strength of democracy in Turkey despite various instabilities and global issues. He highlighted the country’s ability to maintain the power and stability of democracy through the ballot box, both in determining general and local governance.

During the election campaign, Çelik noted that all political parties and candidates were able to campaign freely and express themselves democratically, within a secure environment aside from minor issues. He stressed that despite differences in opinions, the ultimate decision lay with the people. Çelik emphasized the crucial role of the electorate in choosing political representatives in both the general and local governance through the ballot box, underscoring the importance of upholding democratic practices with care and diligence to preserve Turkey’s greatest strength and capacity.

Referring to the competitive nature of elections, Çelik highlighted the importance of maintaining a peaceful environment during the voting process. He expressed gratitude to all individuals working at polling stations and acknowledged the citizens who demonstrated their dedication to upholding national sovereignty. Çelik emphasized that despite the competitive aspect of elections, it was essential to remember that while there may be rivals, there were no enemies. He called for all individuals to avoid violence and behavior that could harm others, emphasizing that in the end, everyone aimed to strengthen democracy and contribute positively to the country.

As the people exercised their right to vote in a peaceful and orderly manner, Çelik expressed hope for the completion of the election process without any issues. He commended the festive atmosphere surrounding the democratic process, viewing it as a celebration of political traditions and strength. Çelik highlighted the significance of every citizen’s contribution to democracy through voting, emphasizing the value of showcasing Turkey’s commitment to democratic principles to the world. He reiterated the importance of respectful competition, emphasizing that in the end, everyone aimed for the betterment of the country regardless of the election outcomes.

Çelik concluded his remarks by emphasizing that regardless of the election results, there were no losers in Turkey, and the country would continue to move forward with the same dedication and consciousness. He extended his well wishes to the nation and expressed hope for a prosperous and successful outcome of the elections. Çelik encouraged all citizens to continue to support democracy and uphold the principles of respect and unity, reinforcing the idea that while there may be different paths to success, the ultimate goal remained the advancement and prosperity of Turkey as a whole.

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