Passengers on a United Airlines flight were sent into a panic when an automated emergency announcement instructed them to put on oxygen masks, even though there was no actual danger. The Boeing 777-200ER flight from Paris to Washington, DC, last Wednesday, June 12th, only had a few passengers with oxygen masks in front of them. The announcement told passengers to wait for the masks to fall from the compartment and instructed them how to use them.

Panic ensued when the oxygen masks did not deploy following the announcement, with some passengers attempting to force the compartments open. One passenger even had a panic attack and ran to the aircraft door, causing further distress among the passengers. The flight and cabin crew had never heard the announcement before, making the situation even more unsettling for everyone on board.

A United Airlines spokesperson confirmed that a small number of oxygen masks had inadvertently deployed on flight UA914. Despite the confusion, the air pressure in the cabin remained normal throughout the flight, and the aircraft landed safely as scheduled. Passengers deplaned normally, but the incident left many feeling uneasy and uncertain about what had occurred.

In addition to the oxygen mask incident, a passenger reported that the flight attendants were struggling to communicate with the pilots through the interphone system. This added to the overall sense of uncertainty and fear among passengers, as they were unsure of what was happening and why the standard communication systems were not functioning properly. United Airlines has faced other issues recently, including a situation where dozens of passengers fell ill on a flight to Texas and an engine catching on fire, further adding to the concern surrounding the airline’s safety and reliability.

Overall, the situation on United Airlines flight UA914 was alarming for passengers, as they were instructed to put on oxygen masks without any apparent reason. The confusion and panic that ensued when the masks failed to deploy created a tense and worrisome atmosphere on the flight. While the aircraft landed safely and the passengers deplaned without incident, many were left feeling unsettled by the events that had transpired during the journey. The incident highlights the importance of clear communication and proper safety protocols to ensure the well-being and peace of mind of passengers while flying.

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