Climate activists have temporarily shut down Munich Airport, causing flight cancellations and delays as they glued themselves to the airport’s runways. The activists managed to breach the airport’s security and glued themselves to the runways, prompting the closure of the airport for safety reasons. The airport spokesperson stated that while one of the runways was reopened after two hours, it would take some time for flight operations to return to normal as there were nearly 1000 planned flights for the day. Passengers were advised to contact their airlines for updates on their flights.

The activists, part of the Last Generation movement, aimed to disrupt air travel at the beginning of the Pentecost holidays by blocking at least one of the runways. They highlighted the significant contribution of air travel to Germany’s carbon emissions and criticized state subsidies for the aviation industry. This protest is part of a series of actions carried out by the group at various German airports, including Berlin, Hamburg, and Düsseldorf. In Munich, a similar blockade took place in December 2022, which resulted in a medical emergency flight being delayed by 20 minutes. The activists are calling for stronger government action to address the impacts of climate change.

The activists managed to breach the airport’s security fences at multiple points simultaneously, with some being arrested at the perimeter while others successfully made their way onto the airport grounds. The airport’s operations were affected during the early morning hours, with planned landings diverting to other airports until one runway was reopened. The airport had expected a high volume of passengers during the Pentecost holidays, with approximately 350,000 passengers and 2860 flights scheduled for the weekend. The airport had reported a seven percent increase in flight bookings compared to the previous year.

The disruption at Munich Airport comes amidst a growing concern over climate change and the role of the aviation industry in contributing to carbon emissions. The activists aim to raise awareness and pressure the government to take more decisive action in reducing the environmental impact of air travel. The group’s message challenges the subsidies and policies that support the aviation industry and calls for a shift towards more sustainable transportation options. The protest at Munich Airport underscores the ongoing tension between environmental activism and the interests of the aviation sector.

The incident at Munich Airport reflects the increasing frequency of protests by climate activists targeting transportation infrastructure to draw attention to the urgency of addressing climate change. The disruptions caused by the activists highlight the challenges faced by authorities in balancing public safety with the right to protest. While the activists’ actions have resulted in flight delays and cancellations, they have also succeeded in bringing the issue of climate change and the role of air travel in exacerbating it to the forefront of public discourse. The ongoing debate between environmental activists and government officials underscores the need for collaborative efforts to address climate change and transition towards a more sustainable future.

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