During the spring, book fairs become more common in Spain. These fairs offer authors the opportunity to dedicate copies of their works to readers. Many authors mention this established custom as one of the reasons why they enjoy attending these fairs. The brief encounters with readers allow them to converse with them, listen to their impressions, and see their faces. This interaction confirms that authors are not writing for invisible beings. The book signing process is not mechanical – authors do not scribble polite phrases or stamp their signature like Chaplin tightening bolts in the famous scene from Modern Times. Typically, the short dialogues are filled with praise and gratitude, and the author responds to displays of affection with varying degrees of warmth, depending on their personality.

These interactions during book signings often lead to interesting anecdotes. Authors have dedicated books to dogs, present on the other side of the counter, to unborn babies carried by pregnant women who imagine a future reader, and to people who are very ill in the hospital and unlikely to read the book. Recently, at the Valladolid Book Fair, the author was taken aback by a request to dedicate a book to a deceased man. The request came from the man’s widow, who explained that her husband had enjoyed the author’s books in life. The author struggled to find an appropriate dedication for a deceased person, feeling a knot of anguish in his throat. Sometimes, unexpected moments like this reveal the depth of human emotion, leaving the author feeling emotionally drained and reflective after the encounter.

Despite the emotional challenges that may arise during book signings, many authors find joy and fulfillment in connecting with readers. The opportunity to have personal interactions with those who appreciate their work is a rewarding experience. In addition to dedicating books, authors also have the chance to discuss their writing process, inspirations, and future projects with readers. These conversations can provide valuable feedback and insights that may influence the author’s future work. Overall, book fairs offer a unique space for authors to engage with their audience and strengthen their bond with readers.

The author’s personal experiences at book signings highlight the human connections that can be formed through literature. From heartwarming encounters with appreciative readers to poignant moments like dedicating a book to a deceased fan, these experiences showcase the emotional depth of the author-reader relationship. Despite the commercial aspect of book signings, where authors are expected to promote and sell their work, the genuine connections and meaningful interactions that occur during these events remind authors of the impact their words can have on others. Each dedication, conversation, and exchange with readers serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling to touch and connect individuals.

In conclusion, book fairs in Spain offer authors a platform to connect with readers and engage in meaningful interactions. The act of dedicating books at these fairs allows authors to establish personal connections with their audience and receive feedback on their work. While book signings may present emotional challenges, such as dedicating books to deceased individuals, these experiences also highlight the depth of human emotion and the lasting impact of literature. By participating in book fairs and engaging with readers, authors can strengthen their bond with their audience and gain valuable insights and inspiration for their future writing projects.

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