Drew Binsky, a world traveler from Arizona, has visited every country in the world since 2012. Throughout his travels, he has enjoyed experiencing the culture and beauty of various countries. One country that stood out to him among all the places he visited was the Philippines. Binsky described the Philippines as the most beautiful country in the world, with a welcoming population and a sense of safety that made his visit memorable.

Despite his love for the Philippines, Binsky has plans to move to Dubai with his wife one day specifically for the cultural experience. As an experienced traveler, he has faced challenges along the way, such as obtaining visas for countries like Venezuela due to political tensions between the US and Venezuela. Despite these obstacles, Binsky has successfully traveled to every country in the world, joining an exclusive list of people who have achieved this feat.

Inspired by the completion of his travels, Binsky decided to document his life and adventures. In contrast, DJ Randy “R Dub!” Williams, another individual who has visited every country in the world, took a different route. After visiting 193 countries, Williams decided to create his own country, Slowjamastan, as a way to continue his exploration of the world. By creating this new country, Williams sought to have a 194th country to add to his list of accomplishments.

Slowjamastan sits on an 11.07-acre plot of desert land located off Southern California’s Route 78, which was purchased by Williams in October 2021 for $19,000. The United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of the People’s Republic of Slowjamastan was officially declared sovereign on December 1, 2021. Williams cites his growing concern and disdain for Crocs, the rubber footwear, as one of the factors that drove him to create Slowjamastan. With this creation, Williams has not only expanded his list of visited countries but has also established a unique and personal connection to his travels.

Both Binsky and Williams showcase the diversity of experiences that come with world travel. While Binsky’s love for the Philippines highlights the beauty and culture found in different countries, Williams’ creation of Slowjamastan demonstrates the creativity and passion that can arise from extensive travel. These two individuals serve as examples of how travel can inspire personal growth, unique experiences, and the creation of new connections and endeavors. By exploring the various countries around the world, Binsky and Williams have found ways to make their mark on the world, whether through documenting their travels or establishing their own country.

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