After the excitement, the return to gloom. In this strange summer sequence, France finds itself without a government and without a clear majority. The Olympics have shown the country in its best light, with a sense of unity that is rarely seen, despite its usual divisions. Looking beyond the summer of the Olympics, what positive outcomes can be expected in the long run? Three political lessons can be drawn from this experience.

Firstly, the extremes in politics, which often dominate the debate, were noticeably silent during this unifying event. The usual identity-based controversies had less impact than usual. The lesson to be learned is that the mainstream parties should focus on building a constructive vision of France, rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric. The Olympics serve as an ideal example of success, enthusiasm, inclusivity, and brotherhood, values that should unite and protect us from reactionary tendencies.

While the macronist government may feel proud of the success of the Olympics, it is important to remember that this was a collective effort involving various local authorities. The spirit of the Games is different from the way the president and his party have governed in the past years, lacking a clear narrative and disconnected from the working class. The symbolic power of the Olympics should not be mistaken for a societal project. The key is to bridge the gap between the two.

How can this be achieved? By maintaining the unifying spirit of the Olympics, showing a willingness to bring people together against division, and implementing public policies that reflect this goal. The Olympics have highlighted France’s strengths, particularly in terms of infrastructure. The renewed infrastructure has benefited the Seine-Saint-Denis department, the poorest in metropolitan France. By leveraging these strengths, the government can work towards unity and inclusivity.

The Olympic Games have demonstrated the potential for unity and the importance of a shared vision for the country’s future. It is crucial for political parties to move beyond divisive rhetoric and focus on building a positive and constructive narrative for France. By harnessing the spirit of the Olympics and implementing policies that reflect the values of success, inclusivity, and brotherhood, France can work towards a more cohesive and prosperous future. The lessons learned from the Olympics can serve as a guide for navigating the complex political landscape and fostering unity and progress in the country.

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