Hudson and Emily Crider, known as @hudsonandemily on social media, have made it their mission to visit every country on Earth. For their 183rd stop, they traveled to the South Pacific nation of Tuvalu, which is known as one of the least visited countries in the world. Tuvalu is a small country with less than 12,000 people and measuring only 10 square miles in total. Despite its size, the couple was able to traverse the entire country in under a minute as some sections are only 66 feet wide. The couple documented their quick journey in an Instagram video, highlighting the unique experience of walking across an entire country in such a short amount of time.

The Criders joked about the preparation needed for their brief journey, including intense hydration and the best snacks. They also mentioned that only professionals should attempt such a feat. The accompanying footage showed Hudson running shirtless alongside Emily, with water and Oreos in hand as they made their way across the country. Despite the seemingly spontaneous nature of their journey, the couple emphasized the beauty of Tuvalu and its friendly population. Emily described the locals as super friendly, noting that every night hundreds of people come out to play sports such as soccer, volleyball, and a local Tuvalun game called ‘te ano’ at the airstrip.

Tuvalu, located in the South Pacific, is a tiny island nation that consists of only 10 square miles. With a population of less than 12,000 people, the country is considered one of the least visited in the world. The Criders, who have nearly completed their goal of visiting every country on Earth, decided to make Tuvalu their 183rd stop. Despite its small size, Tuvalu offers unique experiences and a friendly populace that the couple appreciated during their short visit. The duo documented their sprint across the country in an Instagram video, showcasing the incredible journey of walking across an entire country in under a minute.

For the Criders, their journey to Tuvalu was not just a social media gimmick but a genuine appreciation of the beauty of the country and its people. Despite the quick pace at which they crossed the country, the couple highlighted the friendliness of the Tuvaluns and the unique experiences they had during their visit. Emily particularly enjoyed witnessing the locals come together every evening to play sports and engage in activities at the airstrip. The couple’s quick journey across Tuvalu may have been lighthearted, but it also showcased the beauty and warmth of a lesser-known destination that they were able to explore in a matter of minutes.

In a world where travel is often associated with long journeys and extensive planning, the Criders’ quick jaunt across Tuvalu stands out as a unique and memorable experience. Despite the brevity of their visit, the couple managed to capture the essence of the country and its people in a matter of minutes. Through their social media platform, they shared their appreciation for Tuvalu and the hospitality of its residents, highlighting the beauty of a lesser-known destination that many may overlook. The Criders’ journey serves as a reminder that travel is not just about the destination, but also about the people and experiences that make each place special.

Hudson and Emily Crider’s journey across Tuvalu may have been brief, but it left a lasting impression on the couple and their followers. The unique experience of walking across an entire country in under a minute showcased the beauty of Tuvalu and its people, highlighting the warmth and hospitality of the locals. As the couple nears their goal of visiting every country on Earth, their quick trip to Tuvalu serves as a reminder of the joy and wonder that comes with travel. Through their social media presence, the Criders have shared their passion for exploration and discovery, inspiring others to seek out new adventures and appreciate the world around them.

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