Actor Kevin Spacey, known for his fall from Hollywood grace following sexual assault allegations, admitted in a rare interview that he had engaged in “bad behavior” and been “too handsy” with people in the past. The 64-year-old broke down during the interview, revealing he was close to bankruptcy and would lose his home after incurring millions in legal debt. Spacey was fired from his starring role in “House of Cards” after allegations surfaced, including those from Anthony Rapp, who accused Spacey of making a sexual advance when Rapp was 14. Spacey was also accused of groping an 18-year-old at a Massachusetts bar, but charges were later dropped. Spacey continues to face legal battles, including a civil trial in the U.K. from a man who claims he was sexually assaulted.

During the interview with Piers Morgan, Spacey admitted to touching people sexually in a way that they did not want, although he disputed using the term “grope” to describe his actions. He acknowledged that recipients of his advances should have communicated if they were uncomfortable, and he vowed to never behave that way again. Spacey also reflected on the dark times he experienced following the allegations, noting that he was at his lowest on a few occasions. He admitted his initial statement addressing the allegations with Rapp was a mistake, as he should have separated discussions about his sexuality from the accusations.

Spacey discussed his journey towards self-improvement, revealing that he had been in therapy and various programs following the allegations. He emphasized that his focus had shifted from being the best actor to becoming a man of good character. Spacey expressed gratitude for the changes he had made and stated that he believed he was a better person as a result. Despite facing financial difficulties, including the foreclosure of his home in Baltimore due to outstanding bills and legal debts, Spacey remained hopeful and determined to overcome these challenges.

The actor opened up about his struggles with arrogance and ego in the past, illustrating a shift in his priorities towards personal growth and character development. He acknowledged that he had previously been intensely private about his personal life and sexuality but now felt comfortable having open conversations. Following therapy and personal reflection, Spacey expressed a desire to live a more transparent and honest life. Despite facing financial uncertainties and the potential for bankruptcy, Spacey remained resolute in his determination to overcome these obstacles and move forward.

Spacey’s interview with Morgan shed light on his reflections about the impact of the allegations on his life and career. He expressed regret over his past behavior and acknowledged the need for change and accountability. Spacey’s admission of wrongdoings and his commitment to personal growth and improvement offer a glimpse into his efforts to rebuild his reputation and move forward from the challenging circumstances he has faced in recent years. As he grapples with financial hardship and legal battles, Spacey remains hopeful for the future and focused on making positive changes in his life.

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