Daniel Stern’s new memoir, “Home and Alone,” reveals how he almost lost his role as Marv the burglar in “Home Alone” and its sequel due to money negotiations. Initially set to be paid $300,000 for six weeks of work on the original 1990 movie, Stern was asked to work for an additional two weeks without a salary increase. However, after expressing his concerns, the producers decided to honor the original contract and keep the schedule at six weeks. This incident taught Stern a lesson about commitment to a project and the importance of not letting pride get in the way of negotiations.

Despite the near mishap, Stern’s role in “Home Alone” helped the film become a massive success, grossing nearly $500 million worldwide. Macaulay Culkin, the film’s star, had a lucrative sequel deal, which prompted Stern to negotiate for a higher salary for the second film. After initially being offered $600,000, Stern discovered that his co-star Joe Pesci was receiving substantially more. Stern made the bold decision to fire his agent and negotiate on his own terms, eventually securing a salary of $1.5 million and 2% of the gross profits. This gamble paid off, as Stern’s persistence and determination led to a successful negotiation.

Stern’s experience with negotiating for his role in “Home Alone 2” taught him valuable lessons about standing up for what he believes he is worth and not backing down from his demands. Despite challenges and uncertainty, Stern’s decision to take control of his negotiations ultimately resulted in a successful outcome for him. By understanding his value to the project and not settling for less than what he felt he deserved, Stern was able to secure a significant increase in salary and a percentage of the film’s profits.

The behind-the-scenes challenges and negotiations for “Home Alone 2” shed light on the complexities of Hollywood contracts and the importance of advocating for oneself in such situations. Stern’s determination to secure a fair deal for his role in the film showcases the realities of navigating the entertainment industry and the need for actors to be proactive in negotiating their contracts. Through his experience, Stern highlights the significance of believing in one’s worth and being willing to take risks to achieve a successful outcome.

Stern’s journey with “Home Alone 2” serves as a testament to the importance of persistence, self-advocacy, and strategic negotiation in the entertainment industry. By taking risks, standing firm in his demands, and ultimately securing a favorable deal, Stern demonstrated the power of believing in oneself and not settling for less. His story is a reminder of the challenges actors face in Hollywood and the need to assert oneself in negotiations to ensure fair compensation for one’s work.

Overall, Stern’s experience negotiating for his role in “Home Alone 2” serves as an inspiring tale of overcoming obstacles, taking control of one’s destiny, and achieving success in the face of uncertainty. Through his determination, resilience, and strategic negotiation tactics, Stern was able to secure a significant increase in salary and a percentage of the film’s profits, highlighting the importance of advocating for oneself in the competitive world of Hollywood. His story is a testament to the power of self-belief, persistence, and the willingness to take risks in pursuit of one’s goals.

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