Activists from the non-governmental organization SOS Children’s Villages held a demonstration outside the Nyugati train station in Budapest to bring attention to the issue of newborn babies being abandoned in maternity wards. They highlighted the fact that every year, 300 newborn babies are left without proper care and support, which can have a detrimental impact on their development. The activists stressed the importance of parental bonding, skin-to-skin contact, and breastfeeding for the healthy growth of newborns and aimed to raise awareness about the need to address this issue.

The demonstration aimed to draw attention to the alarming number of newborns being abandoned in hospital maternity wards in Hungary and the impact this has on their development. The activists emphasized the importance of providing proper care and support to newborn babies in order to ensure their healthy growth and development. By staging the demonstration outside a major train station, they sought to bring public awareness to the issue and urge authorities to take action to address the problem of infant abandonment in the country.

The activists highlighted the fact that newborn babies who are abandoned in maternity wards are deprived of essential elements for their healthy development, such as parental bonding, skin-to-skin contact, and breastfeeding. These crucial aspects are important for the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of newborns and are essential for their overall growth and development. By raising awareness about the impact of infant abandonment on newborns, the activists aimed to encourage the public to take action and support efforts to address the issue.

The demonstration outside the Nyugati train station in Budapest served as a platform for activists to voice their concerns about the high number of newborn babies being abandoned in maternity wards in Hungary. They called on authorities to take measures to protect and support these vulnerable infants, ensuring they receive the care and support they need for their healthy development. By staging the demonstration in a public place, the activists hoped to engage and educate the public about the issue of infant abandonment and the importance of providing proper care for newborn babies.

The activists from SOS Children’s Villages sought to raise awareness about the issue of newborn babies being abandoned in maternity wards and the impact this has on their development. They stressed the importance of parental bonding, skin-to-skin contact, and breastfeeding for the healthy growth of infants and highlighted the need for action to address the problem of infant abandonment in Hungary. By staging a demonstration outside a major train station, the activists aimed to attract public attention to the issue and mobilize support for efforts to protect and care for newborn babies who are at risk of abandonment.

Overall, the demonstration outside the Nyugati train station in Budapest was an effort by activists to draw attention to the issue of newborn babies being abandoned in maternity wards in Hungary. By highlighting the impact of infant abandonment on newborns’ development and emphasizing the importance of providing proper care and support for vulnerable infants, the activists aimed to raise awareness and mobilize support for efforts to address the problem. Through their demonstration, they sought to engage the public, educate them about the issue, and encourage action to protect and care for newborn babies who are at risk of abandonment.

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