The author confesses to being addicted to shows and podcasts about how to be more organized, particularly those featuring clean-fluencers. Their social media feeds are filled with content about organizing, decluttering, and cleaning the home. They find peace and relief in seeing a space organized just right, and have learned many tips and ideas from these sources. The 80/20 rule, popularized by pro-organizers Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin of The Home Edit, has been especially beneficial to the author in maintaining order and finding mental peace.

The 80/20 rule, as recommended by Shearer and Teplin, involves filling a space only 80% at most, leaving the remaining 20% empty for a visual break. This prevents clutter from piling up and allows new objects to enter the home without creating chaos. The rule can be applied to various spaces within the home, offering both peace and relief to both the space and the mind. It is compared to a Japanese concept called hara hachi bu, which advocates for not letting your stomach get fuller than 80% in order to promote healthy digestion and allow for pleasurable whims. The 80/20 rule is seen as a form of self care, helping to avoid stress and maintain organization.

One key aspect of the 80/20 rule is to never let closets get full, as this can lead to stress and difficulty finding things. By leaving extra space in the home, there is room for unforeseen events and objects, creating a sense of breathing room. The rule helps to avoid arguments over misplaced items and ensures that everything has its place. Devotees of the 80/20 rule also recommend editing and categorizing possessions, using hangers and containers for closets, cabinets, pantries, and drawers to make organization easier to maintain.

The 80/20 rule offers a game-changing approach to organization, providing a simple and effective method for creating order in the home. By following this rule, individuals can benefit from reduced stress, improved organization, and a sense of peace and relief in their living spaces. This concept of filling a space only 80% and leaving 20% empty for breathing room can be applied to various areas of life, helping to promote balance and harmony. Embracing the 80/20 rule can lead to a more organized, clutter-free, and tranquil living environment for those who practice it.

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